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The Runaway Princess


In the journey of being a Runaway Princess, Y/N faces challenges to save her mother from the Witch's curse. The only way to cure her mother was to drink the Ender Dragon's Blood.

Will y/n succeed and make new friends along the way OR will she fail in the battle?


Written and Edited by



Chapter 1 to Chapter 56 is in Hoshi's profile.

Chapter 57 to Chapter 7̴̡͎̺̗̳͛͂̚͝0̷̨̛̭͓̜͎̩̰̣̘͍͕̽̂̄+̷̛͙͎̹̘͈͋̌̐͊ is Ronix's part.


Y/N : Your Name
L/N : Last Name

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now