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As the ship approached the scene of the battle, you could hear the sound of cannons firing and swords clashing. The sea was chaotic, with ships from both sides engaged in a fierce fight.

You gave the order to prepare for battle, and the guards quickly readied their weapons. You could see the determination in their eyes as they got into position, ready to defend their kingdom and their people.

"Stay alert and stay together," you said, addressing the guards. "We need to fight as one if we want to win this battle."

The guards nodded in agreement, and you could feel the ship picking up speed as it approached King Dream's ships. The battle was intense, with both sides trading blows and struggling for control of the sea.

You took your position at the helm of the ship, steering it towards the enemy fleet. The guards fought bravely, fending off the enemy attacks and keeping them at bay.

As the battle raged on, you spotted a ship that was flying a white flag. You immediately recognized it as your friend's ship, and your heart filled with hope.

"Guards, that's our friends' ship!" you shouted, pointing towards the white flag. "We need to protect them and bring them onboard."

The guards quickly changed their strategy, focusing their efforts on protecting your friend's ship. They managed to fend off the enemy attacks and clear a path for the ship to approach.

As the ship drew closer, you could see your friends on the deck, fighting valiantly. You felt a sense of relief and gratitude that they were still alive.

As Niki, Fiona, and Captain Puffy fought for their lives in a corner, Technoblade moved through Dream's guards with ease. Just as things were looking bleak, you arrived, calling out to your friends from the deck of your ship. Fiona's face lit up with happiness at the sight of you, and Dream looked on in confusion before noticing your vessel.

Niki asked, still taking cover, "How did you get here?"

You replied, "Long story short, I woke up on the shore and saved my mother. Cyron came in time before the witch decapitate my head. I came back with backup. Now let's fight this green Teletubby." Niki and Fiona nodded at you, having their confidence back on track.

With that, you joined the fray, fighting alongside Technoblade with impressive skill. As you took out one guard after another, you couldn't help but steal a glance at Technoblade, who was watching you with a mixture of admiration and something more.

As the battle raged on below, you found yourself standing beside Technoblade on the top deck of the ship, his eyes filled with affection as he gazed down at you, ignoring the voices in his head.







"Hey nerd," Technoblade said as he slashed another man's neck.

"Hey yourself," you replied, winking at him.

Before you could react, Technoblade pulled you close and wrapped his arms around you in a tight embrace. As he held you close, you felt a rush of warmth and comfort spread throughout your body, and you couldn't help but lean into his chest. You closed your eyes and savoured the feeling of his lips gently pressing against the top of your head as you both swayed together for a moment. At that moment, all the chaos of the world faded away, and you were grateful to have found someone who understood and cared for you so deeply. You also ignored the screaming voices in your head.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now