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After leaving the meeting room, gossips were all around you, you couldn't help but smile because this time it was not bad gossip. You remembered how Alexandra used to be there for you when people spread rumours about you, and it made you feel grateful for the times she supported you. You couldn't help but shed a small tear remembering Alexandra, and you smiled to yourself, knowing that she was in a better place now. You felt that you owed Quackity an explanation, so you decided to write a letter to him, wanting to see him face-to-face on her wedding day to clear things up.

You placed your satchel on your bed, but as you did, you heard a clinking sound. Curious, you opened it to find the last remaining vial of dragon's blood. It was a rare substance and you knew you had to keep it safe. Remembering that your father had an ender chest in his office, you quickly made your way there. After searching for a moment, you found the chest tucked behind the door. With care, you opened it and placed the vial inside, feeling relieved that it was now safe and secure. A smile formed on your face as you thought about the possibility of using it one day, perhaps for Technoblade when you two are reunited.

Moving on, Princess Y/N excitedly shared the news of her upcoming wedding with Prince Technoblade to her close friends, who in turn spread the word throughout the kingdom and beyond. Queen Minx was one of the first to hear the news and wasted no time in visiting Y/N with her suitcases, ready to stay until the wedding was over. Meanwhile, Y/N's other close friends, Queen Niki and Fiona, also heard the news and were thrilled for their friend, but started to panic when they realized that there were only three days left until the wedding. Everyone in the Damon Kingdom castle was feeling the pressure of the short timeline and working hard to prepare for the big day.

Remembering that the Church protarchikós (Church Prime) was damaged during Princess Y/N and her friends' escape, Prince Technoblade informed his troops in his kingdom to come and help fix the church in the Damon Kingdom. In the meantime, he prepared to leave for his kingdom, Gi vías / i chóra tis vías (The Land of Violence), to make the necessary arrangements for the upcoming wedding - specifically his own wedding.

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.


Preparations for the wedding are almost complete. The invitations were sent out in the morning, the Church protarchikós (Church Prime) is 75% repaired and still in progress, and the castle is busy with final preparations. However, there's one thing you forgot - your wedding dress. Queen Niki wanted to excuse herself and go back to her own kingdom, but Fiona and Queen Minx begged her to stay and help pick out the perfect dress for you.

"Dark purple is a nice colour," Queen Minx said, agreeing with Fiona's suggestion.

"Can't we have a little bit of pink, though?" Queen Nikki interjected.

"It's a wedding dress, not a cotton candy," your mother reminded them gently.

The three queens looked at each other sheepishly before Queen Minx spoke up again. "Well, we may not have firsthand experience with weddings, but we've read enough fairy tales to have an idea."

"Please, no fairy tale dresses," you said with a chuckle.

"If it were up to me, I'd have a dark and scary wedding," Queen Minx said, half-jokingly.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now