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You opened your eyes slowly, the sounds of muffled voices reaching your ears, blending with the fog of disorientation that enveloped your mind. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you tried to make sense of your surroundings.

"I can't believe you brought home a... woman when I told you to bring back some fishes," a voice grumbled.

"Technically, I got distracted by the bees and it was around this woman. There were also monsters nearby--" another voice explained, sounding slightly defensive.

"Shh shh! She's awake!" a boy's voice exclaimed with a mix of surprise and urgency.

Your vision cleared, allowing you to focus on the figures before you. The blond boy's face was familiar, and a name surfaced in your memory. "Where... where am I?" you asked groggily, struggling to make sense of your surroundings.

"Well, you're in L'Manberg!" the blond boy exclaimed, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. You looked up and instantly recognized the familiar features.

"Well, specifically in the caravan, but who cares!" Tubbo chimed in, rubbing his neck nervously.

"Tubbo..." You couldn't believe your eyes, a mix of confusion and disbelief clouding your thoughts. You sat up, taking in the sight before you.

Tubbo looked at you with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "How... did you know my name?" he asked, his voice laced with genuine confusion.

Your gaze shifted to the other boy, Tommy, hoping to find more answers. "Tommy...?" you whispered, uncertain if this was all a dream or an elaborate prank. "Very funny, guys. Don't pull this prank on me," you chuckled nervously, attempting to dismiss the surreal nature of the situation.

Tommy's expression turned sceptical as he responded, "Look, woman, we don't even know who you are, and we're surprised to find you lying here in the middle of nowhere near our country."

A sense of realization washed over you. 'Ah... XD sent me to this realm instead of my own,' you thought to yourself. It became clear that only you retained memories of the past, while everyone else remained oblivious to the events that had transpired.

With that understanding, questions flooded your mind. Would you be able to find another Technoblade in this realm? And if so, would he be the same Technoblade you knew?

As this understanding settled in, a glimmer of hope flickered within you. You silently prayed that you wouldn't stumble upon Dream in this different realm. The memories of his anger and the chaos he had caused were still fresh in your mind, and you hope you won't see him again.

"GUYS, THEY'RE HERE! THEY'RE AT THE FRONT GATE!" Fundy barged in, interrupting your thoughts.

Confusion deepened as you glanced at Fundy and noticed his peculiar outfit. "Okay, what the heck?" you mumbled, eyeing the fox-like creature with curiosity.

"Tommy! Tubbo!" A familiar voice echoed from outside.

'Is that... Prince Wilbur?' you wondered, recognizing the voice that stirred memories within you. The sound of it compelled you to rise to your feet, but a sharp pain in your head held you back.

"WHAT THE HECK, THEY'RE SO EARLY?!" Tommy exclaimed, peering through the window. "GET READY TO FIGHT, WOMAN!" He swiftly armed himself with a bow, preparing for the incoming threat.

Your head spun with confusion, trying to make sense of the chaotic situation. "What on earth is going on?" you muttered, a mix of concern and anticipation flooding your thoughts.

Determined to gain a clearer view, you decided to leave the confines of the small space and step closer to the window. However, as you made your way towards it, you couldn't help but notice the unfamiliarity of your attire. Your outfit had changed, further emphasizing the fact that you were in an entirely different realm, far from the familiarity of your own.

 Your outfit had changed, further emphasizing the fact that you were in an entirely different realm, far from the familiarity of your own

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[A/N:  Art by YuiChi-tyan on DeviantArt]

'Wha- hey, at least I still look hot,' you shrugged, trying to maintain a confident demeanour despite the unease building up inside you. As you reached for your sword on your hip, expecting it to be your trusted weapon, you were taken aback to find a dark sword instead. Confusion settled in as you wondered what had happened to your original sword, which was now nowhere to be found.

Peering through the dirty window, you strained to see the unfolding events outside, but the view remained obscured. Determined to get a better vantage point, you stepped out of the caravan, feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin as you made your way toward the commotion.

Taking your place beside Tommy, you focused your attention on the group of people causing a stir. To your shock, you spotted Dream standing in the middle, flanked by George and Sapnap.

'King Sapnap's alive..?' Your eyes widened at the unexpected sight, questioning the reality of the situation.

A familiar, unsettling presence made itself known, and you couldn't ignore the intense gaze that Dream directed your way. He was aware of your presence instantly, and a sinister smile played beneath his mask. He recognized you as the nuisance, the troublemaker, the runaway princess.

The air thickened with tension as Dream's words cut through the chaotic scene, his voice specifically aimed at you. "Nice to see you again, princess."

A mixture of frustration and determination surged within you. You twirled the unfamiliar dark sword with ease, channelling your resolve. 'Ah sh-... Here we go again.'

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.

The End.....?

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.



Sorry for the short chapter. But don't worry! An epilogue will be posted soon!

- Ronix

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now