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After realizing that Dream also remembers you, it became clear that he was one of the few who hadn't forgotten the past while everyone else seemed to have. It was as if the entire realm had lost its memories.

As promised, XD was a constant presence in your mind, making occasional appearances whenever he pleased. Initially, it felt strange as you tried your best not to engage with him, aware that others might perceive you as talking to yourself. To differentiate between XD and the other voices in your head, which you now referred to as "chat," you noticed that XD's voice carried a slightly louder and distinct tone.

Some of your friends, like Fiona, were missing, and you suspected they hadn't been brought back to life like you and Dream. XD confirmed that most of the others were revived from the land, but you couldn't help but notice the absence of your parents, Aunt Cecile, and Uncle Cyron. It saddened you, but you knew you had to accept that this realm was different.

XD also confirmed that he had no involvement in Dream's tyrannical actions, acknowledging that Dream had acted independently.

Sometimes XD would come out of your mind just because he was bored and wanted to see what you were up to. No one else could see him unless he wanted them to. Initially, it felt awkward to interact with him, but as time passed, you grew accustomed to his presence. In the eyes of others, he could appear as just another man, as XD had the ability to hide his wings, and halo, and reduce himself to human size.

"Why do you have to look like Dream sometimes when you're in human form? It's kind of creepy," you rolled your eyes.

"Well, at least nobody can tell I'm a Demi-God," XD replied.

"Yeah, but if people see me talking to Dream, they might think I'm a traitor for talking to an enemy," you sighed.

"Wouldn't that be exciting?" XD said with enthusiasm.

After the Lmanburg war, things got intense and people started pressuring you to pick a side. XD told you that choosing Schlatt's side would lead to a surprising impact on the future while joining the resistance side would also bring shocking revelations. It was confusing and not helpful at all. Eventually, you decided to become Schlatt's secretary to protect Tubbo and navigate the difficult situation.

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.

During your break from duty, you decided to visit a serene lake to clear your mind.

"Why did you bring me here?" you asked, gazing at the captivating view of the lake.

"You mean to this lake? You walked here yourself," XD chuckled.

"No... I mean to this realm," you replied, not in the mood for another one of XD's jokes.

"It's a reset," XD explained, sitting beside you. He concealed his halo and wings, resembling Dream from behind.

"A reset from your mistake?" you asked softly.

"...My brother...Foolish hasn't spoken to me in months," XD said with a hint of sadness in his voice, looking down.

"You deserve that," you replied, absentmindedly playing with the sand using a small stick.

There was a moment of silence before you decided to speak again.

"Is he here? No, sorry, will he remember me?" tears welled up in the corners of your eyes.

"I can't tell you the future, can I?" XD smirked.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now