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As you were about to take another step, you heard the bush behind you shake.

"What the muffin was that?" Bad feel slightly panic, take a step back behind you.

"Whatever it is, get ready to attack" You unsheathed your ruby sword.

"WAIT!" a familiar voice perks up.

"Drista??!" both you and Bad were too stunned to speak.

"Princess y/n? Badboyhalo?" Drista felt relieved after not seeing familiar faces for a long time.

"Drista, how- how are you here? I thought you would be at Magic Academy with the others?" you felt shocked that a little girl was here, a thousand miles away from the Magic Academy.

A bush rustle behind Drista. A creature came out.

"Drista. Get behind me." you spoke as you pointed the sword at the flower creature.

"No, wait!" Drista stands in front of the creature to protect it from harm. "This is my friend. Her name is Hannah. She's a Louloúdi. A flower creature. They are harmless unless they get attacked first. So please...put the sword down." Drista breathed out.

You lowered your sword but still were alert. Drista continues, "Long short story, I've been kidnapped after I received a note to meet Lani outside the cafeteria in Magic Academy. I thought it was her but turns out someone impersonate her. The next thing I know, I got knocked out and now I'm here. Hannah found me in the woods." Drista breathed out.

"What..." you sheathed your sword and hugged Drista closed as she hugs back tightly. Bad is speechless while looking at the scene in front of him.

'The poor girl. She must have been scared shitless. Who would have done this...why would they do that.' Your thoughts got disturbed by Drista as she lets go of you to give a quick hug to Badboyhalo and spoke.

"I...I think it's my brother, Dream, that did this to me. I had a nightmare or flashback or whatever it felt real. My own self was there watching the scene where my parents, the king and the queen of Gi Tou Efiálti, passed away because I saw two coffins in front of me. My young self was crying and Dream was there to comfort me and said the kingdom of Etaireía Nystaléon Agorión killed the king and queen. They got killed by an arrow of harming on their forehead. But when I walked closer to the coffins there was a fainted purple around their necks. It was covered with the thickness of the makeup. It's like...someone is covering up their tracks. I think it's my brother who killed them to rule of the kingdom quickly since he is the firstborn." Drista breathed out.

"Drista, that's...a big assumption. We don't know if it's your brother or someone he hired. It could be anyone." You tried to calm her down.

"But I believe what I saw! It felt real! He never cared much about me after our parents died. He even ask for his friends to take care of me from far away if I went on an adventure outside our castle!" Drista cries, remembering the memories of how her brother treats her.

You sighed, "I'm... sorry to hear that and I understand what you feel" You hug her close as you pat her back gently.

Drista cries on your shoulder and spoke through her cries, "Where...where are you guys going? Take me with you. Please! I don't want to be alone... I mean I have Hannah but I wanna go home."

"I'm going to King Eret's castle and ask him where is the End Portal." You spoke to her softly.

"WHAT?! Can I come? Please? I can help you. I can fight!" Drista exclaimed.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now