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"I-I'M S-SORRY" King Eret was pushed hard to the floor.

"Enough with excuses." The man crouched down, took Eret's hand and begin to put a scar on it. Eret winces and held his scream as the knife hits his skin. A few moments later, Eret looked down on his new scar on his hand, it looks like a smiley face. It was hard to see what it was. Not just because it's 4 in the morning, but he's tied up. The rope was around him except his hands were at the front. Once the man is done 'drawing', he began to speak once more.

"40 of your men were fools, killing themselves by breaking the first rule of nature," the man stands up.

"And you know what that is?" Eret shakes his head. He felt unsure.

"Looking at the enderman eyes," the man was about to walk away.

"P-please-" Eret begs, struggling from the rope he's tied into.

"Sir?" the soldier asked his leader.

"Push him," Dream said it firmly. He walks away from the screams of King Eret falling down the water fall. Dream walks back to his camp.


An hour later

"I can't believe we've lost her!" George pushed away the branch that was on his way.

Currently, the three royal king, along with their army are in the Abyss Wasteland, camping out since they own the place. The Abyss Wasteland is in the same country as the Eye of Despair. Plus, the Omáda óneiro (Dream Team) has conquer it so it wouldn't be a problem to them.

"Ugh. If it weren't for her friends... Dream?" Sapnap stops to look at his friend.

"Hm?" Dream looks up from the map he's holding.

"Why aren't you... angry about this?" Sapnap asked, George peeks over his shoulder.

"Nothing. I just know where she's going." Dream shrug it off.

"How did you know?" George asked. Sam quietly listen to their conversation.

"A little bird told me" he kept the map.

The scar that he gave, was to locate her easily and possibly poison her.

'Fuck. I forgot she's immune to it. That's probably how she survive through the dragons breath.' Dream cursed under his breath.

"Sir!" One of the soldier spoke up.

"Looks like she's heading to the sea" George inspects the footprint that leads west.

"Huh," Sapnap says.

"Well boys," Dream said to his friends.

"Who's up with another manhunt?" he smiles wickedly under his mask.

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.

Currently, you and your friends, along with Wilbur's army are walking towards the beach. Fiona..or..well... Princess Fiona says the seashell must be blown on the beach and wait for a few minutes.

You sighed. Your thoughts are on Alexandra. How will you tell Quackity about her passed? What if he'll blame her for her sister's death-

"My lady?" Technoblade spoke.

You blinked hard. You almost forgot your promise that you'll marry him if you survive in the End World.

Seeing that you're overthinking, Techno grabs your hand softly and gently rubs your knuckles with his thumb. He suddenly had an idea to make you feel fluster more.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now