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As you were about to lose consciousness, suddenly Dream lets you go and screamed in pain.

"FUCK" He screamed, trying to get rid of sudden pain in his shin. You fell to the ground, coughing hard because of the lack of oxygen you're having.

Drista saw you were getting choked and asked Bad to send her down without Dream noticing her. After she heard Dream's confession about killing their parents, she decided to stab him in the leg with a dagger she bought in i chóra tis omorfiás (The Land of Beauty).

 After she heard Dream's confession about killing their parents, she decided to stab him in the leg with a dagger she bought in i chóra tis omorfiás (The Land of Beauty)

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Dream turned around and slapped Drista hard on her cheek. She fell down, scraping her knee at the end stone.

"NO!" you screamed.

Techno was still looking for you from miles away in the end world when he killed the guards until he heard you scream. He saw you on the floor trying to reach Drista. His red eyes widened, relieved to finally see you alive, and rushed forward, slicing many Enderman's heads along the way.

'Almost there.' Technoblade thoughts.

Dream was struggling, his leg was bleeding, and took out the dagger that was buried deep into his leg. Knowing this would slow him down, he used a little bit of his healing potion on his leg and it healed right away. He turned around to see you were crawling slowly to Drista. He moved forward immediately, wanting to end your life.

"B-behind you," Drista says faintly to you.

You turned around just to get punched by Dream.

"Ugh" you groaned and fell facing upwards, trying to wake up but he stepped on your chest. You tried to get rid of his foot on your chest but he pressed hard.

Dream then looked at Drista and spoke, "What a lovely surprise to see you here, little sister." Drista spits blood to the side, glaring at Dream. "George and Sapnap will be here soon and you will go with them. I'll deal with you later." Dream looks back at you and was about to reach his sword.

"No!" Drista sits up, wiping her lips as blood comes out of her mouth. Dream's attention went back to Drista.

"You killed mom and dad!!" She tried to stand up but failed because of dizziness.

Seeing that Dream is not focusing on you, you noticed your sword was out of reach. You looked to your right to see the dagger Drista stabbed Dream with. You tried to reach out the dagger but unfortunately, Dream saw it and he picked it up.

He kneeled down, and put pressure on your chest with his left knee, while his right foot was on your left arm. He grabbed your right arm and marked a smiley face on it. You were struggling at his hold.

You screamed so loud when you felt the pain in your right arm and tried to move but even if you did, he might cut the main vein that could make you die in a matter of seconds.

After he marked you with the dagger, he had a sinister smile on his face seeing the beautiful art on your arm.

Noticing he stopped marking your arm, you raised your knee and kicked his balls as he fell down on the End stone.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now