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Dear rr (re-readers) and ftr (first-time-readers), I kinda change something in this chapter and I hope you guys won't be mad at me.

i chóra tis omorfiás (The Land of Beauty).


In the kingdom of beauty filled with lots of buildings (their roofs are covered with vines), many types of flowers across the land, and unique creatures. Louloudi is one of the creatures that was created and hidden in the deepest part of the Land of Beauty forest. Covered with different kinds of flowers to not let anyone see them. Although they are harmless creatures, they only attack when being threatened. At night time when everyone is asleep, they tend to roam around the forest to guard their home. But there was a bad history behind this kingdom. The Land of Beauty's King named Eret was given power by King Dream after he gives out information about Estaireía nystaléon agorión during the first war.

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.

Back to Princess Y/N,

You, Badboyhalo, and Drista step into the gate of the Kingdom of Beauty. "Halt!" says the guard. "Who goes there?"

You held out a hand to stop Bad and Drista from moving forward and spoke to the guard, "My name is Princess Y/N Damon and these are my friends, Princess Drista and Badboyhalo. We wish to speak to your Highness, King Eret." You spoke to the guard.

"And why must we trust-" the guard got cut off by another guard.

"What's going on here, Andy?" the other guard looked at your figure at the front gate. "Go do other duties. I'll handle them here." the other guard spoke to Andy.

"But sir-" the guard named Andy said.

"I said I'll handle them." The other guard spoke firmly.

"As you wish sir." the guard salutes and walked away.

The guard steps in front of the three of you and spoke "My apology on behalf of our soldier's behavior, your highness. There aren't many visitors visiting here anymore after the first war between Omáda óneiro (Dream Team) and Etaireía nystaléon agorión (Sleepy boys inc). Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Connor and I am the head of the guard of the Kingdom of Beauty. I shall lead you to his highness palace. Please follow me." The guard bowed down and start walking, leading to the palace as you, Bad and Drista follows.

There was a village in front of the palace with flowers on every roof of their shop. While following the head of the guard, you can't help but hear the whispers from the villagers.

"Is that the runaway bride of Damon Kingdom?"

"Another runaway bride?"

"What is she doing here?"

"She looks so beautiful and.... scary"

"What if King Dream is looking for her here?"

"Oh God, we should all hide now!"

"Shhh, you're too loud."

You shake it off, ignoring the whispers from them. Drista then held your hand and squeeze it a little bit as a sign of reassurance. You smiled at her slightly and she smiles back. A few moments later, you arrived at the staircase of the palace.

"Please wait here while I'll get someone to escort you inside." Connor bows and went inside, finding a butler. The guard then talks to a certain man. 'Perhaps that is the head of the butler' you thought. The butler then nods at the guard and went back inside to announce to the King about Princess Y/N's arrival. A few minutes later, the butler came back and spoke to the guard. The butler then follows the guard, descending the stairs to where you were standing.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now