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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

HA! caught you in 4k. 📸


The wave washes the shore as you cough out salt water. You look to your right and see the satchel that you brought along. Everything is still there. You quickly realize that you've washed up on the shore of your own kingdom, the Damon Kingdom.

You cover yourself with a cloak and walk through the village, trying to avoid any suspicious glances. As you reach the entrance to the castle, you notice a group of soldiers guarding the entrance.

You quietly made your way towards the castle walls, trying to avoid being seen by any patrolling guards. After a few minutes of surveying the area, you spotted a hidden passage that you had discovered long ago. It was the only way to enter the castle undetected, so you carefully made your way towards it.

The entrance to the secret passage was covered in vines, but you pushed them aside and entered the dark and musty tunnel. The passage was narrow and you had to crawl on your hands and knees, but you knew it was worth it to get back into the castle.

As you approached the wall nearest to your parents' room, you scanned the area for any potential dangers. The night was quiet, with only the occasional chirping of crickets breaking the silence. You took a deep breath and began to climb up the wall, using the cracks and crevices as handholds and footholds.

The climb became more difficult as you reached higher, but you were determined to reach your mother's room. However, as you reached the second floor, you realized that the climb had become too difficult to continue. The wall was too smooth, and there were no handholds or footholds to use. You sighed in frustration, realizing that you wouldn't be able to reach your parents' room this way.

You looked around, trying to think of another way to reach your mother. Suddenly, you remembered a secret entrance that your father had shown you once. It was a small window on the first floor, hidden behind some bushes. You hurriedly made your way down the wall and ran to the bushes, pushing them aside to reveal the small window.

As you crawled through the window, you heard footsteps approaching from the other end of the passage. You quickly hid behind a nearby crate and peeked out to see who it was. To your dismay, it was one of the guards who had betrayed you, chatting with another guard about their rewards for their treachery.

You feel anger boil up inside you, but you stay calm and wait for them to pass. Once they're out of sight, you continue down the passage, taking extra care to stay silent and undetected. You entered the castle with ease and realized there was a guard far away, saw you entered the castle.

"Guard!!" one of them shouts as they spot you.

You curse under your breath and prepare for a fight. "You are under arrest for disobeying the King's orders," one of them says.

"And who might that be?" you reply, knowing the answer.

"King Dream, of course," the soldier responds.

You grit your teeth in anger. "You see, I don't take orders from such a man," you say, drawing your sword. "And since all of you stabbed me in the back...this isn't going to end well for you."

You begin to fight all of the soldiers. 

You draw your sword and take a defensive stance as the group of guards approaches you. You quickly assess their positions and movements, strategizing your next move. You lunge forward, attacking the first guard with a swift strike. You follow it up with a parry as another guard attempts to strike you from the side.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now