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Volume 7: Sorrow in Royalty, starts.


She walks back to her tent, stepping through dead leaves along the way. A branch snapped on her left and she stops dead in her tracks. She looked to the left to see nothing but dark green bushes. She couldn't even see it clearly because of the lack of light on her way.

'Perhaps it's just an animal,' she thought to herself. She shrugged it off and continues to walk.

The shadow follows her, a dark figure with endless void eyes wearing a creeper suit walks slowly in the bushes to avoid anyone seeing him.

She opened her tent to get inside and searches for the shell that her guardian once gave her back when she ran away the first time. Though it was a horrible memory remembering her parents has been killed by the masochist, her best friend get killed by him as well and died in her arms, she still stands strong.

The thoughts shivers in her spine, and she shakes her head slightly.

'Focus Fiona...Focus' she said to herself.

The shadowed figure enters her tent and quickly went behind her. He quickly shuts her mouth to prevent her from screaming as she tries to escape from his grasp.

He turns her around and her eyes widen towards the tall man. She spoke quietly.

"What are you doing here, Uncle Sam??"


Many years ago, there was a 16-year-old princess watching the sunset go down from her bedroom window. She had just finished her lessons of the day, waiting for dinner time. It was the same week her mother asked her to prepare herself for marriage. She had an argument with her mother about she doesn't want to marry the prince of Nether, Prince Sapnap. Suddenly, from far away she saw a man on a horse heading his way toward her castle. She smiles brightly from her sulking phase and gets up from her sitting place. She rushes downstairs ignoring her mother's warning to be careful and walk delicately as a princess should be. The front door opens and before the doorman announced who it is, she said it first and hugs him tightly.

"Uncle Sam!!!" she screams in a cheering voice.

He was shocked by the impact, and almost fell down but he managed to maintain his balance.

"My dear Fiona, I miss you so much little princess" He spokes happily, returning her hug.

"Come on, Uncle Sam...I'm not little anymore. " Fiona sighed as he put her down gently.

She loves her uncle more than she loves her own parents because he was the one that tells her the story of his adventure. Plus, he likes to give her any items that he found throughout his journey.

"You always be little to me." He laughs. "Here you go, little miss" He kneels down to her level, takes out an enderman eye and gave it to her. Knowing she isn't allowed to kill any creature and just be a princess, he gave her a special gift.

"What's this?!" She whispers to him and inspects the item carefully. She didn't want her parents to see any gifts that her uncle gave her. The last time they did, they get angry and took the item away. She was also forced another extra to her princess lessons the next day.

"Careful. This is an endereye. It's..."

Sam didn't get to finish his words and heard the King greets him.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now