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The following order of enchantment book:
0.1 Technoblade
0.2 Kristen
0.3 Dream
0.4 Karl
0.5 Fiona


This timeline is during the war between gi tou efiálti (The Land of Nightmare) and Gi vías (The Land of Violence). The enchanted book war. This was after the deaths of both King and Queen of gi tou efiálti (The Land of Nightmare) which was killed by Prince Dream with 1 arrow of harming on each of their shoulders, near their hearts. He tried to strangle them with a rope but failed and uses the arrows for quicker death before he gets caught. Dream received the King title instantly after their deaths and manipulate Drista at their parents' funeral by saying it was the Gi vías (The Land of Violence) who killed them for power. It was all part of his plan until he found out Sapnap's parents wants to send off their son to get married to the princess of Dawn Kingdom. Their purpose was if anything goes wrong, Sapnap will take care of the Nether Kingdom. Dream figured that since the war is taking too long and it's impossible to take the five books one by one. So he asked for a helping hand, Sapnap and George. While he's busy at war with George by his side, he asked Sapnap to get Fiona to fell for him in order to gain an ally. Truthfully, Dream just want to snatch her book under her nose but what he didn't know is that Fiona hasn't received her book YET. He just had a gut feeling that Fiona has it already. No one knows the real reason why the war is happening except for Dream and Technoblade. (and perhaps...XD too since he's the God of Chaos but no one needs to know that)

So let's just say, Dream's plan was to 'kill two birds with one stone'

- - -

Somewhere in Dawn's Palace...

"Your highness?"

Oh, how she hated that calling came out of the maid's mouth.

"Your highness, the queen would like to have a cup of tea with you in the garden. She wishes you to wear proper attire before meeting her." The maid bowed and left her bedroom.

Fiona hated her royal life. For years she just wants to be free and seek adventure. Not be in the caged and be a nobel prize as people walk by. Fake friends just wants to befriend with her just because she's a princess. They were all hired by Fiona's mother, Queen Florencia. Controlling her daughter's life. Fiona just wants freedom. A will to live. Sadly she just turned 16 but still living with her parents. She doesn't wish to be married to any prince because she wants to explore the world before her life gets locked up in the chain again.

Fiona sighed, went to her walk-in closet. Sure she appreciated what her parents gave to her, all the servants helped her but she couldn't stop and wonder, 'Will I be able to earn for myself?'

Her thoughts have been cut off as a previous maid knocks on the door. A faint 'come in' escapes from her mouth as the maid enters and puts a dress on her. Tying her corset. 'A princess must be perfect, punctual, and elegant' her mother's words ring in her ears most of the time. 'Sit up straight! Don't laugh too much! Wear more makeup! Everything must be perfect!' Her trainer speaks that to her as well, following the queen's order to make her daughter a perfect, elegant and beautiful princess before she sets off to a charming prince. Fiona rolls her eyes internally.

She walks down the staircase ever so elegantly and as quickly as she can, steps outside the big garden to see her mother, the queen, already sitting down with a cup of tea in her hand as she is about to sip.

"You're 2 minutes late, Fiona." Her mother scolds her, and drinks her tea.

"My apologies, mother." Fiona sat down after one of the butlers pulled a chair for her.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now