RECAP from The Runaway Princess (PART 3)

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"But, that doesn't mean you can escape the trial," Technoblade stated.

His words rang through the room, right. Bad still has to go a trial and state his defense. The room fell quiet again, only to be broken when you spoke, "Where's the trial will be taking place?"

He turns to look at you, his ruby eyes locked to your E/C ones. "At the palace."

You looked at Skeppy, he seems to stiffen at his words. You were also taken aback at his reply even though you halfway knew where it would take place but you still asked.

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Minx's eyes widened, "Who's with the runaway with you?" She asked, ignoring Niki's question.

Niki was quiet for a minute before figuring that minx won't probably snitch, she then opened her mouth to speak. "I am with princess Y/N, the brothers of Etaireía Nystaléon Agorión, Fiona, Y/N's personal maid, Drista, and some people that you might not be familiar with."

"Can you please describe them?" Minx asked.

Niki was confused but did what Minx asked anyways. First, she described Fundy, then Skeppy, and the last one is Bad. After explaining, Minx fell to deep thought.

"The Adamantem, what was his name again?" She asked.

Niki tilted her head, "Skeppy." She answered.

Minx's eyes widened and her mouth fell agape.


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Techno opened the gigantic doors to the courtroom, inside were a few people. Phil was sitting on a throne, Wilbur was seated on the table and the chairs that were displayed, a normal trial would have a lot of people, like generals, and people who have higher ranks. But today it was a private audience, it was no surprise when the only people here were the ones who witnessed the scene happen. Guards were multiplied and were across the room. Watching every Bad's move.

Techno pushed Bad forwards lightly, a signal to walk forward. Bad complied without complaint, a sour expression was displayed on his face. Bad stopped and sat down on the chair that was on the opposite side where Wilbur was seated.

Techno sat down beside Wilbur, Bad then looked at Phil with a straight face. He will stick to his words, he will accept any punishment that will be given to him if that's the only way Wilbur will forgive him.

The three teens looked at Phil, waiting for him to give the signal to start the trial.

Without any interruption, he spoke.

"Let's start the trial, shall we?"

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"Can't this horse can get any faster?!"

Minx yelled as the cold wind hit her face. She followed Niki who's leading the way with her own horse, A crossbow was strapped to her back and a bag of arrows too. a dagger was also hidden under her dress, Niki bought her umbrella as well. A panicked face was displayed on their faces as the two of them race their way to the cabin in the middle of the snowy terrain.

Niki grabbed the doorknob and tried to open it, dread fills their faces when the door didn't budge. Niki tried putting some force onto it but to no avail, it remained locked. Niki cursed under her breathe, "Step aside." Minx spoke, Niki turned to her to see that Minx had already loaded an arrow to her crossbow, Niki only nodded and grabbed the handle of her umbrella.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now