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Back to the mischievous kids,

"Come on, Tubbo. You're so slow" says Tommy, rolling his eyes.

"I have short legs! I can't help it!" Tubbo says, raising his voice slightly and catching up behind Tommy.

"Will you shut up both of you? You both gonna get ourselves caught!" Lani whispers, hiding behind Ranboo.

"Ranboo, do you see Wilbur's carriage from here? Since you're the tallest of the team" Tubbo beamed up.

Ranboo then stands up slowly, starts to look around, and says "There's a few guards near the carriage but we can enter it as soon as they turn the other way," Ranboo says, seeing there are three guards surrounding the carriage.

"Remember the plan. Stay quiet. Don't sneeze or cough or make enderman noises. Yeah, I'm about you big man." Tommy looked at Ranboo as Ranboo just smile and shrugged. "It's not my fault that I'm an enderman". Tommy groan, facepalm and look where the guards were "On my mark." Tommy lifts up his hand slightly as a signal while peeking at the corner of the palace.

The guards began to turn the opposite way from where they were hiding. "Go." Tommy's hand went down, as a signal of clearance.

The four of them rushed to the carriage and went under the cover leaving no one suspects anything.

"Holy shit why is there so much TNT-" Tubbo then shuts Tommy's mouth with his hands and one of the guards turn around.

"You guys heard that?" says the first guard. Lani's hands start to shake, scared of what the guards do if they get caught. A few moments later, another guard spoke.

"Nah, it's probably nothing, Purpled. Come on. Let's just go back inside and report to the commander about the TNT's ready" the other guard spoke to Purpled. Purpled hummed and shrugged it off, went inside the palace with the other guards.

After hearing no guards outside the carriage, Lani spoke, "Tommy you child. You almost got us all caught" Lani said, feeling annoyed.

"I'M NOT A CHIL-" Tommy raised his voice.

"SHHHHHHH" Tubbo says and Ranboo chuckles.

A few minutes later, there were footsteps and a loud voice, Prince Wilbur's voice. "Alright. Let's move out!"

And thus, the carriage began to move and they were on their way to the stronghold. Leaving King Philza and his wife, Queen Kristin.

¨*.¸.•*¨'*. ¸ •**•* .•*¨*.¸¸.•*¨'*•.


The furry stretched out and yawns but his eyes still closed and cuddled his pillow once more.


His ears began to twitch with annoyance hearing the sound of a woman waking him up, opening his left eye a little bit because of the brightness of the room. But when he opened his eyes, he saw a woman figure very close up, her green eyes were huge.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Fundy falls down his bed.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, WOMAN! CAN'T YOU SEE IM SLEEPIN-!" he screams at the maid, standing up from the embarrassing fall but she cuts him off and says. "Fundy, it's already dawn! Get ready! We gotta pick up Alexandra fast before the guard roams around the area!" Fiona walks away with a big smile on her face. Fundy rolls his eyes, groans, and flops down back on his bed with a pillow on his face.

"I heard that!" Fiona screams and Fundy scrambles up and gets ready.

Fiona walks outside, looking at the sunrise, hearing the birds chirping and she smiles softly. They are in a forest, Black Forest. No one ever sees this beautiful sight of the forest. She breathes in, takes all in, and breathes out. She can't wait for the adventure ahead.

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now