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Covid sucks. It gives me the motivation to write more after seeing you guys saved my book to your readlist. I appreciate every one of you <3 Thank you for waiting for me <3.

No chapter for next week 'cause I got irl stuff to do, but MAYBE I'll post on next Wednesday or next Thursday. Who knows...maybe you'll get 1 or 2 chapters? Hehehehehe

Stay safe everyone <3

- Ronix

P.S: A whole summary is at the end for those that skip chapter 62 part 1,2,3. <3



Many years ago...

"Mumza, can we visit the village today please?" two teenagers named Technoblade and Wilbur peeks into their mother's study room. Kristen laughs at her sons' interaction and said "Alright then. Wake Tommy up as well. We'll be going together in half an hour. Your father won't be joining us since he has business to do." Kristen smiles. Technoblade smiles brightly and rushes to get ready while Wilbur smiles evilly and ran to the bathroom to fill up the bucket of water. He went to Tommy's room, dumping all over the child.

"WHAT THE FUU-!!!" Tommy screams, drenched in water. Wilbur laughs out loud. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!!" Tommy yelled.

"Wake up gremlin. Today is Technoblade's first time visiting the village and you got 10 minutes to get rea—"

"AAAAAAAAA" Tommy yells again and rushes to the washroom.

"—dy" Wilbur laughs again. He didn't get to finish his sentence and seeing Tommy's funny reaction made his day.


"Where is he?!!" Tommy rolls his eyes. It has been 10 minutes and Technoblade hasn't got out of his room yet. Wilbur was playing his guitar to kill time. "Ughh" Tommy walked away and waited in the carriage

"Let me check on him.." Kristen's voice was full of worry and began to knock on Technoblade's door

"Sweetie, are you ok in there?" Kristen spoke softly.

"It's getting louder...." Technoblade whispers from the other side of the door were clutching his ears and pink smoke was surrounded him. He is slowly transforming himself into a big beast and was scared he might hurt his mother.

"Can I come in sweetie?" Kristen began to worry after seeing pink smoke coming out of the room.

"I don't wanna hurt you mumza...." Technoblade began to cry.

"I'm coming in alright. I'll be fine. I'm here for you" Kristen opens the door to see her son standing in a big pigmen form. "Oh...sweetie. Come here." Kristen opens her arms and Technoblade began to cry on her shoulder.

"Mum...I'm scared. What if I can't control myself? What if I kill people this time—" Technoblade begins to panic but Kristen calms him down.

Kristen began to sway, holding her son close, and sang with a soft tune,

"You are my sunshine

My only sunshine

You make me happy

When skies are gray

You'll never know, dear

How much I love you

The Runaway Princess (continuous) | c!Technoblade  ✔Where stories live. Discover now