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End World


Where all the enderman lives and a vicious dragon in there. The island was floating, covered with a white-yellowish stone with an odd texture called End Stone. An end crystal is found atop each obsidian pillar on the central island of the End, each on top of a piece of bedrock. There are 10 end crystals in total. A mystery man watching from the distance, taming the dragon. But as the dragon gets older, it turned more aggressive. The man had to let the dragon go. What the man doesn't know is that the dragon starts to control the enderman's mind on the island. He felt heartbroken after the dragon doesn't recognize its owner anymore.


End City (Inside of End World)


End cities are castle-like structures found on the outer islands of the End. They are inhabited by shuckers and hold a lot of rare exclusive loots. Shulkers are another creature that lives inside the End City, it attacks when an outsider comes closer and hides inside their shells. Cute but deadly. The mystery man lives thereafter his adventure as a shelter since it is abandoned. Chorus fruit is a food item native to the End that can be eaten, or cooked into popped chorus fruit. He doesn't have to worry since there is plenty of chorus fruit surrounding the End City.

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Cyron is Philza's friend. The Eagle.

Cecilia is a mage. Cyron's wife. Cecilia's name is beautiful as a flower. That's one of the reasons the flowers were planted around the couple's house.

One day, her husband, Cyron, says to his wife that he will go help his friend, King Philza, who needs to travel to the End World. He never came back home as promised.

She thought Damon family was the one who trap Cyron inside the End World.

She was told by the man with a white circulate mask with a smiley face, to manipulate her mind at the same time.

In unexplainable moments that the man appeared in front of her home out of nowhere and spoke about her husband's 'death'.

Cecilia had an unstable mind after hearing the news because of the loss of her husband.

With her state of mind, she turned into a bad mage aka a witch.

She felt it is unfair that the Damon Family is living happily after she lost the love of her life.

But turns out Cyron survives in the End World.

He couldn't escape the End World because the baby dragon was hatched after he and Philza killed the big dragon. The baby dragon dragged him by his wings to the edge of the end world making the portal to the overworld closed after Philza stepped into it a few minutes later.

"C-cyron?" Philza looks behind him to see there was no one around.

"CYRON!!!" Philza falls to the ground. "" he cries hard but stops and heard a noise in front of him. He looked above to see a baby zombie running toward him.

"FUCK" The baby zombie bit his infected leg. His leg got his by the ender dragon's breath. It was harmless but it's more deadly when a baby zombie bites it.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT" Philza tried to fly and kicked the baby zombie to get it off his leg.

The baby zombie got kicked in the face with Philza's foot and falls to the ground. Splat.

"I'll find you, Cyron. I'll come back and find you," Philza thought to himself.

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