Chapter 2 - Quarrel in the morning

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It's the 3rd day of March, a very cold and damp day and it's not even nine o'clock in the morning and yet Yibo and his girlfriend Emily, who lives in the apartment next door, are arguing again. And again it's about his job and about his dream. Emily scolds, "You know what Yibo? I don't think you can ever get your life together! You can't even manage to get a decent job where you earn your money in a righteous way."

"Emily! How many times have I told you there's nothing wrong with my job? What's not righteous about my job? I merely escort women who don't want to go out alone. And I even registered my business properly and pay my taxes." Replied Yibo, annoyed.

"And that's exactly the problem! You go out with all these women. A different one every night. But you never take me out. Every night at 7 or 8 pm you leave the house and come back at night! You don't give a shit how I feel about it."

"I do give a shit. I need to make money, though."

"Then get a real job."

"This is a real job Emily."

"It's not and you know it."

"What am I supposed to do? I didn't go to college and I don't have an education. Do you think some company is going to hire me for a well-paying job that I can then use to pay all the bills and the payments on my parents' debt?"

"I'm sure you would find such a job."

"And where? With your father, maybe? The one who calls me a deadbeat and won't even let me into his house? Or your mother? Who offered to book me once in a while so I could invite you to dinner with the money?"

"I know my parents acted like shit towards you and still do. But it's not about them at all. It's about you and me and our relationship. Because if this keeps up, soon we won't have a relationship."

"Are you threatening to break up with me now?"

"No. I'm just telling you what could happen. We hardly spend any time together anymore. And as a couple even less often, because most of the time when you do have time, Youn is around and doesn't realize that we want to be alone sometimes, too."

"Youn lives here! Do you want him to leave the apartment so you can have some time alone with me? We're always in my room anyway. Youn won't even be with us then."

"But when he's home, you don't sleep with me. We haven't had sex in three months."

"Yes. Because all we ever do is fight. It's always the same. You come to me, we talk, and suddenly you start about my job again. Then we argue, you get mad and leave. And the next time it's the same."

"I have every reason to be mad too, don't I? I mean, look at us. We haven't been the couple we used to be for a long time."

"Don't forget that I was already working as an escort when we met. There's not that much difference between then and now."

"Sure, back then you worked 4 nights a week and the other nights we spent time together."

"But there was never enough money. And when we met, I told you what I do for a living. And you said you had no problem with that as long as I didn't sleep with my clients. And I never did!"

"Sure I said that at the time. I wanted to be with you so bad. And at the time I still thought it would only be for a few months until you found a decent job. I had no idea that you would make escorting your vocation. And since I already told you I had no problem with your work, I couldn't have said anything else when things got more serious with us."

"You should have been honest with me. And I happen to like doing this job, though."

"A job my girlfriends always laugh at me for. When they talk about their partners and their jobs, I always get all quiet and wish I could make myself invisible. Because you don't have a job to brag about."

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