Chapter 29 - Anger and Worry

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After the bad fight with Yibo, Zhan had taken two weeks off to recover a little. Even if he would not admit it, the quarrel with Yibo weighed heavily on him. He felt wrongly accused by Yibo, but at the same time he tried to understand him, because he knew deep inside that Yibo had not meant it as he said. He understood that Yibo was very upset and probably really doesn't know anyone else who would do something like that for him.

Besides, he misses him very much every day. Still, the argument also hit him so hard that he couldn't bring himself to just call Yibo and ask him to talk it out. Even though he often held his cell phone in his hand, staring at the wallpaper with the heart-shaped hickey on Yibo's chest and wishing they could just get along again, he couldn't bring himself to just call Yibo.

But ever since Yibo sent him that video and really shocked Zhan with it because he seemed so desperate, so incredibly sad and depressed in it, he was very worried about him. Again and again he had tried to call Yibo and talk to him, but he couldn't reach him. Each time he was told that the person he wanted to talk to was not available at the moment.

And it was only thanks to Wooseok, who regularly updated him on Yibo, that he knew that although Yibo was still infinitely sad, he was largely doing well.

Too eagerly, Zhan would like to talk to Yibo. Especially about the accusation that he had, behind Yibo's back, given Yibo's parents a lot of money, gotten them good jobs, and outed Yibo to them. Zhan would never do such a thing, nor could he, because it goes against everything Zhan believes in in a relationship. In honesty, openness and trust.

But not only because of Yibo's accusations he would like to talk to him. But also to reconcile with him. And to tell him who is really behind all this and that it was never really about Yibo.

After Yibo had asked him for help to find out the truth behind all this, Zhan had at first refused to help him. But secretly, he also wanted to know who was responsible for him and Yibo having such a heated argument. So he hired someone to find out.

It came out that it was actually about Yibo's brother, whose ex-boyfriend Meng Yao is back in town and according to Zhan's information, is hoping to win Hai Kuan back this way. But so far, he probably hasn't even explained to Hai Kuan that it was him who gave his parents the money and got the jobs. According to Zhan's informants, Meng Yao may be planning more and will only come out with the truth then.

Hai Kuan and Meng Yao had been a couple for two years and actually the two had even wanted to get married. Hai Kuan had proposed to him in a very romantic way. However, just a few months before the wedding, Hai Kuan realized something very important and made a decision that he actually made for the sake of Meng Yao.

Because Hai Kuan's parents were so heavily in debt and Hai Kuan didn't want Meng Yao to get involved as well, he ended the relationship after two years instead of marrying him as planned. Meng Yao then left with a broken heart, vowing to earn enough money to relieve Hai Kuan of the burden of his parents' debt so that he could then marry Hai Kuan.

But in the meantime, Hai Kuan is newly in love and dating Zhan's little brother. Even though they can't see each other as often as they would like, they love each other and are planning a future together. According to Zhan's informants, Meng Yao also found out about this and now seems to be planning something to win Hai Kuan back.

Zhan would like to tell this to Yibo. But because he can't reach him and doesn't want to try through third parties, he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want to be the one to go to Yibo, because Yibo should better come to him. After all, it was Yibo who started all this in the first place and started the fight. So Yibo should also be the first to make a move on him now that they've both calmed down a bit.

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