Chapter 39 - Visit from Yibo's parents

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Nervously, Yibo went through the lower floor of the villa once again, checking that everything was tidy and clean, even though he knew, of course, that the maids were doing their job perfectly, as always, thanks mainly to Lana's watchfulness.

Until a few hours ago, the maids had their hands full cleaning the basement and the lower floor of the villa. This was because, to Yibo's surprise, Zhan had let the actual gym for Yibo be converted into a rehearsal room so that Yibo could also rehearse his dances at home.

Since Wednesday morning, the workmen had been working from dawn to dusk to convert the gym, making a lot of mess, also because they had to hurry to finish. Because already in the coming week, Yibo would most likely have to use the rehearsal room a lot, as the training and rehearsals for his performance in the theater show would start and he would have to prepare intensively for his dance training and his performance.

Until two days ago, Yibo and Zhan had planned to go and visit Yibo's parents this Saturday. But on Thursday evening, Yibo got a call from his mom saying that she and his dad had something to do in the city on Saturday, so they would like to come visit Yibo afterwards.

For Zhan and Yibo this was no problem, even if both found it a pity not to spend the weekend at the Spa Hotel after all. But somehow Yibo was also happy, because he can recover a little bit at home, before he will be in permanent stress from the next week on.

After a last walk through the house, Yibo checked if the coffee table was set and the cake he baked together with Lana and Zhan was on the table. When he was satisfied, he went to Zhan who was sitting in the living area reading the newspaper.

Yibo sat down next to Zhan, let Zhan take him in his arms and cuddled with him some more while Zhan told him about a report that was in the newspaper about the alleged accident of Meng Yao and Su She. "They wrote that they checked the wrecked car again and found that the brake line was porous and must have ruptured, which is probably why Su She couldn't brake in time. They investigated it, after all, because there were no skid marks on the road."

"So your men replaced the brake line?" Yibo asked, confused.

"Yeah, looks like it."

"Really intense. But that shows they're professionals."


"Hey ZhanZhan?"


"I'm really nervous."


"Because of my parents' visit. They know I'm dating you now and I came out to them too, but it's another thing when they meet my boyfriend."

"Mn. I guess that's true."

"But somehow I'm also happy because I can introduce them to the man I sincerely love and am equally sincerely loved by."

Zhan looked at Yibo and gave him a long sensual kiss. He was about to say something else to Yibo, but then the doorbell rang. The two got up from their comfortable sofa and went to the front door to greet Yibo's parents together.

Yibo adjusted his clothes once more, then he and Zhan opened the door and let Yibo's parents in. The two first greeted Yibo with a heartfelt hug and then reached out to Zhan and greeted him very kindly. Yibo's nervousness was at its highest point at that moment.

When Yibo's father took off his jacket and hung it up, and then wondered about the beautiful villa and the great location it was in, Yibo breathed a sigh of relief, as it seemed his parents really didn't object to Yibo's relationship with a man.

They went to the kitchen, where they sat down at the generously set coffee table and Zhan explained to them that Yibo had baked this cake. Although Yibo had help from Lana and Zhan in this, Zhan omitted this information and Yibo himself said nothing when his mom broke off a small corner of the cake, tasted it and praised him highly for it.

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