Chapter 10 - Bitter Tears

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On Sunday afternoon, Yibo was lying on the sofa in the living room nursing his sore muscles, which were still as bad as the day before. But so snuggled under a blanket and lying lazily on the sofa, the soreness was bearable for him. And since his escort appointment for this evening had been canceled by his customer for health reasons, he could enjoy his laziness even longer.

Already at lunchtime, shortly after Yibo had gotten up, he had talked to Youn about his problem of not knowing how to break up with Emily. That he wants to do it, he is sure, and he would not be distracted from that. But after yesterday, he was unsure how to break up with her gently.

He hated it when women cried because of him. But especially when they were close to him and he made them cry. And after more than a year and a half, even if he didn't love her anymore, Emily was still close to him. He knew it wouldn't be easy for him and neither would it be for her. Youn suggested, "Tell her straight. There's no point in beating around the bush. Do it like a Band-Aid. With a snap."

"If it were that easy. I know there's probably no gentle way. But I also don't want to just throw it in her face and say, well now see how you deal with it. Besides, she lives next door and I'm sure I'll run into her again and again."

"Well, I told you from the beginning, stay away from her, she's not for you. And did you listen to me? No! At least listen to me now when I tell you to make it short and painless."

"Painless? I'm sure it won't be painless."

"Yibo! She's just fooling you!"

"I know."

"Then stop always thinking about her feelings. Get selfish already and think only of yourself."

"I'm trying."

"You don't need her. There are millions of women in this country, there's sure to be one or two that will suit you. And if not, take the guy you let in your back door. He obviously must have something about him that made even you weak."

"Hey...that's not up for debate right now."

"At least tell me who it was."

"No way."

"Go ahead. Our womanizer got fucked by a guy. He let him inside him. This guy must be something special."

"Could we change the subject? And what do you mean, womanizer? I wasn't that bad."

"Oh you weren't? I remember it differently. Who was hot popular with the ladies back in high school and definitely had sex with more women than I have fingers?"

"That was a long time ago. And most of them didn't want anything else from me. They just wanted to get into bed with me."

"I know. And because you wanted a woman who wasn't like that, you fell for Emily."


"But be honest. This guy you slept with, might there be more possible with you guys?"

"Haha... no. Definitely not. Just once with a guy doesn't make me gay or bi. It was great and really fun, but nothing more. And he's not looking for a relationship either. We were just having fun."

"I still can't believe it. My best friend who's been with a lot of women is getting fucked by a guy."

"Yes. And now it's good. I probably shouldn't have told you."

"Yes you should, Yibo. It's just that I've always felt that women aren't really your thing. Never did your relationships last long, and Emily, well, she's special."

"Wait a minute. Are you implying that I'm gay and therefore can't have a relationship with a woman?"


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