Chapter 21 - Remodeling the Adult Playroom

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Yibo was standing at the front door of his dance academy and a few of the other students from his class were also there, talking animatedly about everything they were learning that day. One of them asked, "Hey, today is Friday. Don't you want to hang out tonight and celebrate a little bit together?"

While the others immediately agreed, Yibo turned to them and said, "Don't count me out."

"Why not?" Kate, one of the women wanted to know disappointedly.

"I just want to go home and spend my evening there."

"That's boring." Said Kate, clinging to his arm.

Yibo frowned at her and pulled his arm away, "I told you before, I don't like it when you do that."

"What's your problem?"

"My problem is that you keep invading my comfort zone and keep touching me. I already told you I don't like that. I don't want anyone to take it the wrong way either."

"Like who? Your girlfriend?"

"None of your business Kate." Jenna interjected. Yibo got along really well with her. Not just because she's his dance partner, but because he knows she's into women, which means she's not one of those women who, like Kate, are always trying to touch him and get close to him.

"Hey Kate, you better leave Yibo alone. If that's not what he wants, then you have to respect that. Besides, it's totally okay if he doesn't want to go out with us in the evening. I'm sure he has his reasons." Now Finn interfered as well.

"What's so bad about me touching him sometimes?" Kate wanted to know angrily.

"Because Yibo doesn't like it and I don't like it either. Keep your hands off him!" Said Zhan, who was suddenly there as well to pick up Yibo.

"And who are you now? His guard dog?" Kate asked, laughing.

"Not exactly. But I'm the one who will kick your bony ass without hesitation if you grab onto his arm one more time!"

"Hahaha, are you threatening me?"


"You don't know who you're messing with."

"Mistake, you don't know who you're messing with right now. I don't give a damn who you are or what hole you crawled out of. When you touch Yibo, I become very uncomfortable. And believe me, you only mess with me once."

"You sure talk a big game."

"And you spit when you talk. Oh yeah, do you think your fiancé will like it when he finds out you keep touching my Yibo?"

"How, how do you know I'm engaged? I haven't told anyone here."

"And yet I know all about you. And I can happily tell everyone else what kind of person you are."

"No, it's okay."

"I hope you'll stay away from my Yibo in the future. Because if you don't, everyone will find out all about you. And in addition, I'll transport your bony ass from here to the moon. So keep your hands off Yibo!" Yibo grinned and clung to Zhan's arm. He stuck his tongue out at Kate and walked with Zhan to his car.

Jenna followed the two of them and said as they parted, "A handsome couple you are." And Yibo was so not in the mood to correct the relationship between him and Zhan. He just left it at what Jenna said, feeling a strong tingle in his stomach because Zhan didn't correct it either.

Yibo had been becoming more than physically attracted to Zhan since Zhan came back from Prague a few days ago. He felt his feelings for Zhan growing more and more. So much that he missed him even before Zhan left the house. That he had to think about him all the time and felt a tingling in his stomach. That his heart began to race just looking at him.

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