Chapter 16 - Hitman

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When Zhan brought him to his room, Yibo was still shaking all over from the shock, he was terribly cold, his lip and eye hurt, but by the time he was lying in his bed and Zhan sat with him for a while, he was feeling better. Yibo was glad and grateful that Zhan came to see him after he called him. He doesn't know why, but all he could think of was, at least he wants to hear Zhan's voice!

Maybe because he feels safe and secure with him. Maybe also because he has this mysterious and sometimes dangerous aura that makes Yibo sure that Zhan is not just a simple businessman, but at the same time that's exactly why he feels so safe in Zhan's arms. In the end, however, Yibo doesn't care, because Zhan came to him when he needed him and he is grateful for that.

Youn, who was also shocked by Emily's outburst, had quickly regained his composure, however, and so it didn't escape his notice how close Yibo and the businessman actually already are. He wondered why the two of them didn't notice it themselves and still claim that it's just about having fun with each other.

Maybe it's true and they really just want to have fun. But of one thing Youn was absolutely sure, it's not just Yibo who has fallen for the businessman. Zhan himself is also completely addicted to Yibo. Which Youn could clearly see when he came to their home and held Yibo protectively in his arms.

Although Youn didn't let it show, he had definitely caught a few scraps of words of what Zhan said to Emily. And these words sounded very threatening and made it very clear that the handsome businessman was not someone to be messed with. Not if you care about your own life.

But just like Yibo, Youn feels at the same time that Zhan is not a threat to him. He feels that Zhan wouldn't hurt him and Yibo. Instead, he even seems to protect them both. Because he also heard a phone conversation from Zhan, where Zhan said he wants Youn and Yibo to be guarded and protected 24/7, and he also said, "And I want you to keep an eye on that crazy Emily Qin. Even if it means you have to lie in her bed and accompany her when she poops, you won't let her out of your sight for a second! I want to know where she is, who she's with, and what she's doing at all times!"

However, at that moment when Youn heard this, he was not afraid, but was actually relieved. Because now he knew that Emily certainly couldn't hurt his best friend anymore. After all, she wouldn't even make it near Yibo. A reassuring thought for Youn, because he does not want his best friend to experience something like that again.

No sooner had Yibo fallen asleep than Zhan was on his way again. He would have liked to stay with him a little longer. But he also needed sleep, because just like Yibo, his night was very short.

Once home, Zhan sent his housekeeper Lana home. Lana, who is now 60 years old, took care that the other employees in the house always did everything to Zhan's satisfaction and rarely left the house before evening, unlike the other employees, guessed that Zhan was not in a good mood.

She had known Zhan since she was a little boy, when she was paid by Zhan's father to look after Zhan's well-being around the clock. So she knew exactly what was going on in Zhan's mind and that he was boiling with rage inside. She assumed it had something to do with the call from the young man Zhan had been seeing on and off for a while now, and with whom he had spent a night for the second time.

Before Lana went home, she went to see Zhan again. She was probably, apart from this young man, the only one he would tolerate near him right now. Placing her wrinkled hands on Zhan's cheeks, she kissed his forehead and said softly, "You'll rule this. No matter what it's about, I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Mn. For sure I will." Replied Zhan. He took his cell phone and showed Lana some pictures he took of Yibo's injuries and explained to her how it happened. Lana felt how much this upset Zhan and how angry it made him.

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