Chapter 43 - New desires and goals

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Yibo was in the playroom, circling around and looking at his body in the mirrors that were all around him. It pleased him what he saw and he beamed really happy about the view. Since he is back home and in Zhan's and Lana's loving care, he has gained some weight again and his body looks more defined, especially in two places like his abs and his butt.

Yibo was especially proud of his butt, which really showed off in his new jeans. Looking like a well-shaped peach, Yibo thought. Not too big and not too small. And definitely very much to Zhan's liking, as he knew all too well, since Zhan kept grabbing his butt over the past few days and couldn't get enough of marveling at how great it looked and felt.

Yibo thought that Zhan would probably have become addicted to Yibo by now at the latest, if he hadn't been for a long time anyway and probably had been since the beginning. A thought that made Yibo grin. Because he loves how little Zhan can resist him and how shiny Zhan's eyes get when he looks at Yibo's naked body.

It had always been important to Yibo to look good and keep his body fit and defined. For himself, for his job as an escort and for his goal to make a career in show business. For this he gladly did without some things. Because good and healthy food is not cheap. And also the membership in the fitness studio has cost him a lot of money every month.

But now he has not worked as an escort for a long time and his desire to make a career in show business is no longer just a wish. His career has just begun. Which is why he has to take care of his body all the more now. But when he looks at himself in the mirror, he doesn't think about his career, but about how much he likes himself and how much he wants to please Zhan.

More and more often he catches himself thinking that he really only wants to be with Zhan and have his peace. In the past he had used his job as an escort to combine his hobby, dancing, with it and loved nothing more than spending the night in clubs, but today he just wanted to spend the evening at home at Zhan's side and have fun with him alone.

He also began to wonder more and more if he really still wanted to be in show business. He still loves to dance. But, does he still want to do it in public? Does he really want to be recognized by complete strangers on the street? Does he really want to stand on a stage somewhere on a regular basis? He was no longer sure.

The only thing he knows for sure is that he has been back home for four weeks now and can't imagine anything better than spending every free minute with Zhan. There were even days during these four weeks when Yibo preferred to go with Zhan to his company and help him with his work, rather than going to the dance academy to follow his dance training.

And again and again Yibo had to think about the fact that Zhan had once offered him to become his personal assistant. And still Zhan didn't have a new assistant. So he needed someone new. And even though Yibo had never done such a job before, he was sure he could do it. He could work alongside Zhan and support him.

Could it be that over the 6 months Yibo had been on tour, his desires and goals had changed? Was that why he still hadn't made an appointment with the American manager? Was that why he hadn't accepted any more offers to perform? Was he perhaps just becoming aware that not only he, but also his future plans had changed permanently?

When Zhan came into the playroom and saw Yibo looking at himself in the mirrors, he walked up to Yibo, put his arms around him and his hands on his butt, and kneaded his tight butt cheeks with a grin. "Such a great feeling." He marveled again.

Yibo grinned, clasping his hands on Zhan's and said, "Feel free to grip harder, I like it." Then he kissed Zhan and moaned softly as he actually kneaded his butt cheeks harder.

"Too bad we can't keep going. I have to leave for work right now. Want me to drop you off at the dance academy first?"

Yibo shook his head. "No, I want to come with you. I want to work with you again today. May I?"

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