Chapter 40 - On White Rose Petals

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For Yibo, the days just came and went, during which he was too busy to notice how quickly time passed. And there were days, he wished, that would have had more than 24 hours to accomplish everything he had set out to do.

For three months now, Yibo had been part of the theater's ensemble, and after being at the dance academy from morning to afternoon, he practiced almost every evening for five hours with the dance group at the theater for the big performance. An exciting and thrilling time for him and exactly what he had always dreamed of.

But not everything was always great, because Yibo had to get used to the double burden on his body. And also to the fact that his relationship with Zhan took a back seat for the time being. Although he tried to pay attention to Zhan as well, it often didn't work out. Because most of the time Yibo was so exhausted that he could hardly hold himself on his feet.

Fortunately for Yibo, he has a loving and understanding boyfriend in Zhan, who not only loves him, but also supports him and is happy for Yibo. Every evening, when Yibo felt he could barely walk, Zhan would pick him up from the theater, take him home, and run him a hot bath. He massaged him every night before he went to sleep and made sure he didn't miss a single meal.

As the big day approached, rehearsals became more intense. They now had to rehearse with the theater actors and singers as well. And when they had their first real costume rehearsals and rehearsed with costumes on the stage, Yibo realized that it would soon be time for him to stand in front of an audience on this stage, dancing with the group and alone, and everyone would be able to see him.

His biggest dream would finally come true! He would finally stand on a big stage and dance! And would dance his heart out to show people how much he loves it. Finally, it would pay off to have never given up and to keep believing in his dream and pursuing it until it could become a reality.

But his dream would not come true in the theater building where there were only 1000 seats. But in an open-air theater with a huge stage, grandiose lighting and space for more than 10,000 people! And already one month before this theater show, the festival of the year, all tickets were sold out.

And even after this festival, Yibo would still be able to perform and dance on stage every weekend for half a year. Because the show will still be performed there as well.

When the big night finally came, everyone who meant something to Yibo came to see him perform. Already the night before they all came to the villa. Yibo's parents, his big brother with Cheng, Zhan's sister Yanli with her husband, Zhan's parents, Youn and Wooseok, Jenna from the dance academy and many more. And they all celebrated all night long before standing in front of the stage the next day to finally see Yibo on the big stage.

Since Yibo had one last general rehearsal, he had to leave without his loved ones. Zhan made sure that everything went smoothly at home, they could all leave on time and be there early enough to take their VIP seats right in front of the stage.

As Zhan and all the others sat in their seats and slowly the large space behind them filled up, Zhan had been quite excited. He was so excited to see Yibo on this big stage and he was even more excited for Yibo, because now his dream would finally come true and all the hard work would pay off.

All nervous and full of excitement, Zhan sat in his seat and then when a screen counted down from 100 and at the same time a sound like a pulse could be heard, it became very quiet around them. Everyone looked spellbound at the counter and counted down together from 10.

When the counter jumped to zero, the lights around them went out for 10 seconds. Then a few lights focused on the orchestra in front of the stage and on a woman standing on the stage. With one of the most melodious voices Zhan had ever heard, she began to sing. Children appeared around her, singing and dancing with her. Everyone cheered, especially the children's parents.

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