Chapter 38 - Honest Words

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Zhan and Yibo were fooling around in the garden as the sun slowly set, covering the garden in shadows. Lights and garlands of lights with soft warm white light turned on, bathing the garden in a romantic oasis, with all the tall trees, bushes and beautiful colorful flowers.

Yibo ran around the garden laughing while Zhan tried to catch him. Again and again Yibo gestured to stop and let himself be caught, only to hit a rake in the next moment and start running again. For minutes the two did this, until Yibo arrived back at their blanket on the lawn, stopped there, and with arms spread wide, let Zhan catch him.

Zhan wrapped both arms around Yibo and the two dropped onto the blanket. Yibo, who was lying under Zhan, stroked Zhan's cheeks with both hands, smiled and even had a tear in his eye. "Do you actually know how much you mean to me?" He asked Zhan, wiping away the tear.

"Yes. Just as much as you mean to me." Replied Zhan and kissed Yibo's cheeks, his forehead, his nose and added, "I love you baby."

Another tear rolled down from Yibo's eye as he replied nodding, "I love you too ZhanZhan. I can't find words for how much I love you. Every day since you and I became a couple, I'm grateful for you coming into my life."

Zhan lay down next to Yibo, took him in his arms, kissed his forehead again and said, "I honestly never thought I could fall in love again someday. But then I met you and we got closer, got to know each other better and better, and I felt myself falling under your spell with each passing time. I felt how little by little my feelings for you developed."

"Haha, I remember when you made me that immoral offer. One night with me for 5 million yuan. I was shocked."

"True. I wanted to test how far you'd go for money, since I realized that money was the only thing you seemed to care about."

"Yes, that's true. But it wasn't that bad then."

"I realized that then, too."

"But you know, after you made me that offer three times and then said you weren't going to make me that offer again, I thought that was kind of stupid, too. I think I enjoyed it at the time that you seemed interested in me."

"We talk about it like it was years ago. Anyway. But then, after your rejections, I was really surprised when you suddenly wanted to be kissed by me."

"I was surprised myself at first. But I wanted it. I really wanted to know how it felt to be kissed by you. And I think I knew by then that I wanted to know what it would be like to make love with you."

"That happened the same morning baby."

"I know. I was there haha. But ZhanZhan, I'm telling you, that night and morning, our first time, will always be unforgettable for me. I enjoyed every second of it. It was amazing for me. I never thought that sex with a man could be so much fun, excite me so much, and show me a whole new world of lust and passion."

"To that I can only tell you that I know exactly what you're talking about. I felt the same way back then. Before, sex was nice, but also somehow always a duty. But then the first time I slept with a man, it felt right, perfect, and so good that I wanted it again and again."

"I was more like, okay it was super great and was probably the best sex I've ever had, but it's not going to happen more than once. Still, I couldn't stop thinking about you and the sex. I was attracted to you from the beginning. But it really started after the kiss and our first sex. I suppose by then I was already unconsciously aware that I could never sleep with a woman again."

"With me it took a little longer. With me, it was much more complicated at the time because of my marriage and my relationship with Ten."

"Can I honestly say something to you about that?"

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