Chapter 20 - From Brother to Brother

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When Zhan woke up after Yibo's stormy and very intense greeting, Yibo was still fast asleep next to him. Not wanting to wake him, he quietly got out of bed and went to take a shower. Afterwards, he went downstairs to the kitchen and instructed his cook to make Yibo's favorite meal, which he should get when he woke up again.

Zhan was about to go to his office when his brother came through the front door. Cheng wanted to talk to him. In order to do so without being disturbed, the two went into Zhan's office and sat down on a leather sofa there. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Well, first of all, I wanted to apologize to you. I really confused Yibo with my thoughtless remark."

"It's okay. He's calmed down again."

"Still. The way he suddenly ran away, his brother and I were really scared that something would happen to him."

"Yeah that was stupid. But luckily everything went well."

"Tell me, don't you think it's strange how he reacted, even though you only have a friendship plus? Not even his big brother knew him like that."

"Actually, I'm not surprised at how Yibo reacted."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mn. I think he's about to fall in love with me."

"Wait a minute. For real? And you're still going to let him stay?"

"Sure. He's my baby."

"Your baby? What if he just wants your fortune? You know how he grew up and how he makes his money."

"Mn. You just said it yourself, how he reacted was strange. You called me worried and said Yibo just ran away from his brother's apartment crying because you said that stupid thing. If he were only after my fortune, do you think he would have rushed here so desperately? And Yibo doesn't work as an escort anymore, he's doing professional dance training."

"Well, maybe he was desperate because he was afraid of being replaced and being left without anything again."

"Possibly. But I doubt that very much. Yibo isn't like that. Sure, money is important to him. Which is normal, after all, he never had any because he only ever earned enough money to survive and to pay the installments on his parents' debts. But I tell you, Yibo is not with me because of money. Someone who falls into my arms with big rolling tears, crying and afraid I've gone out with someone else, he has other reasons than money to react like that."

"So you're assuming he's falling in love with you?"

"Yes. He's always seeking my closeness. Wants to cuddle and kiss all the time. He clings to me tightly in his sleep. His eyes light up when he looks at me. He smiles all the time."

"Okay, okay. I see. So he's clingy. And I think he's a little too possessive, too."

"Why wouldn't he be? He's never been with a man before me. He's experiencing something completely new and rediscovering himself. He enjoys being with me. I think he's just afraid that he might lose that, or me, actually."

"And how do you feel about that? How do you feel about him? From what I remember, you didn't want to let anyone else into your life, let alone your heart."

"You know Cheng, I realized something. I can't control my heart. It does what it wants. I know I never wanted to be in a relationship again. But Yibo is so cute, so wonderfully different, that I want him near me. I was feeling sick with worry when I didn't reach him on his cell phone for two days. My heart almost exploded from the overwhelming feelings for him as he fell into my arms crying. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't escape Yibo and my feelings for him."

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