Chapter 5 - Coincidental Reunion

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It has been two weeks since Yibo demanded the relationship break from Emily. And in those two weeks, he hadn't seen or spoken to her. And he didn't want to. He was even glad when he learned that Emily went to her parents' house and stayed with them after he told her he wanted the relationship break.

Since then he had a lot of time to think about the future of his relationship besides his work. Which, unfortunately, didn't get him anywhere. Because yes, on the one hand it was clear to him that much more spoke against the continuation of this relationship than for it.

Nevertheless, Yibo also had to admit to himself that he couldn't just throw away more than one and a half years of relationship. After all, it wasn't all bad. In fact, until four months ago, everything was good between them. At least, he had always assumed so. True, she was often jealous, but he could still understand that.

Now, however, through the many arguments he had found out that she never revealed her true feelings and thoughts about his job and preferred to lie to his face. She was looking him in the eyes and kept claiming that she had no problem with his job as long as he didn't sleep with one of those women. But that was a lie and now annoyed him the most.

Because now Yibo just doesn't know what he can believe her anymore and what not. She says one thing and thinks something completely different. Moreover, he is also tired of having to approach her again and again. To reach out to her again and again and to apologize to her for things he neither did nor is responsible for.

He had done, ignored and endured many things for her because he loved her. But now he is not even sure if he ever really loved her. He might as well have confused love and affection. In any case, he is no longer sure how deep his feelings for her really are and were.

But what annoyed and disturbed him most was that it was always about her and never about him. In the past four months she complained about him, about his job, his lack of time and always found something else to criticize about him. At least he hadn't heard any kind words from her for a long time.

He had always tried everything to make her happy and to prove to her that he loves her, is faithful to her and understands her. How often had he postponed or abandoned all his plans just to spend the day with her? How much of his time did he sacrifice to take care of her when she was not well? How often did he prove to her that he was only thinking about her at work, when he secretly wrote her messages during his work, telling her that he was thinking about her, loved her and missed her?

He had always given her everything. But now he had reached a point where he could no longer and no longer wanted to. And yet it was incredibly difficult for him to call her and ask her for one last conversation so that he could end his relationship with her.

After all, she had been an important part of his life for over a year and a half. The first girlfriend with whom the relationship lasted longer than two weeks. Because Emily was different from the women he met before, who were only interested in his body. Emily was the first one who was interested in him as a person and who really listened to him.

At the time Emily came into his life, he had already given up hope of finding a woman with whom he could have a real lasting relationship. But then suddenly she was standing in front of him, in her white dress and wet to the skin. She had just moved in next door and had forgotten her keys at home. And while she was waiting downstairs in front of the front door for her father to bring her the spare key, it also started to rain heavily and within a few minutes she was completely soaked.

When Yibo found her at the front door, he took her to his apartment. They got to know each other and he noticed how different she was from the women he had met before. So he asked her out and she said yes. Shortly after, the two became a couple and Yibo felt for the first time that he finally had a girlfriend who loved him for who he was.

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