II: I was in the middle of an exam!

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Chapter 2: I was in the middle of an exam!

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Chapter 2: I was in the middle of an exam!

Maria loves her father, he is her favorite person, her best friend, the only family she has left. Well that's a lie she also has Happy, her father's best friend and uncle figure who she loves. She also has Pepper Potts, her fathers ex assistant and also ex-girlfriend who stepped up and became Maria's mother figure when she had nobody else. Of course she also has the rest of the avengers who have become her family since her father and them became coworkers. Maria though is specifically talking blood relation only and in that aspect, she only has her father left. Sometimes though she can't help but wish she had other siblings that her father could bother instead of her.

You might be thinking, "Why is Maria so angry in the middle of her physics exam?" Well, it's because her father has been trying to call her for the past 15 minutes and the professor who had everyones phones in the front of the room hasn't stopped glaring at her since the exam started. Maria quickly finished the last question before turning in her exam in the front of the class.

"Here you go professor sorry about that," Maria apologizes while handing her professor the exam and grabbing her phone declining her fathers call once again.

"Maria first one finished like always, or is it because you need to take that phone call?" her professor asked her questioningly.

"You know I always finish first and trust me I'd rather not answer this call but my father does pay my tuition so I probably should huh," Maria tells her jokingly as the two share a laugh.

"I'm going to miss you Maria. Congratulations on graduating, I know you will do great things," Maria smiled warmly at her professors last words before walking out finally done with finals. She had gone back to school about two days ago to finish up her finals which she was able to take early seeing she was already ahead in all her courses. Plus her request came at a great time because apparently her father and his buddies were going through some shit right now which she had to hear all the drama from her father. Speak of the devil...

"What do you want I'm busy?!" Maria answered angrily as she slammed the door to her car throwing her bag to the back seat.

"Wow that's no way to speak to your lovely father who pays for your life of luxury," her father answered sassily while Maria rolled her eyes leaning back in her seat.

"Well when said father calls repeatedly for the past 15 minutes while I was in the middle of an exam, it kind of makes it hard to show him my appreciation," Maria knew her father was going to vent to her because this morning on her way out she caught a snippet of the news which talked about Steve apparently having a street fight with Sam, Bucky, and a man in a cat suit yesterday.

"Yeah well it's kind of an emergency. What are you doing right now?" Maria frowned at her fathers words just now realizing how out of breath he sounded.

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