XX: I want my lawyer

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Chapter 20: I want my lawyer

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Chapter 20: I want my lawyer

Maria sat on the couch with her sister clutching onto her tightly, as she watched multiple DODC agents search their house for any illegal weapons or Stark technology related to the attack in London. Their parents were standing arguing with one of the agents, or more like their dad was arguing while their mom tried to calm him down so he wouldn't get arrested.

"I don't understand why you are trying to take us in, me I understand, but my daughter didn't do anything!" Tony shouted to the investigator who looked at him with no emotion in his eyes.

"Like I told you already Mr. Stark, your daughter is a person of interest because of her relationship with Peter Parker," the agent told him, tired of having to repeat himself.

"She doesn't know anything, she just woke up from a coma that she's been in since she saved the world from Thanos! Or are you forgetting that part?" Tony shouted to the man. Maria finally had enough of her dad arguing with the man and stood up with Morgan who had fallen asleep. She walked over to their parents and carefully handed Morgan over to their mom.

"Dad, it's okay. They just want to ask a couple of questions and then we can go, right?" Maria asked the agent calmly, who nodded his head pointing to Maria in confirmation.

"Fine, but we will only talk to someone once our lawyer shows up. Pep, call Matt," Pepper nodded her head as she walked to the kitchen where she left her phone. A few police officers walked up to the three of them and got ready to escort them out. Maria and her dad started walking before the agent stopped Maria.

"What now? Want to take in my 6-year-old too?" Tony stated sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Miss Stark will have to wear this inhibitor collar and handcuffs, just for precaution," the agent told them calmly, not knowing how Tony would react to the news.

"What for?" Tony asked the man, confused.

"Miss Stark is an enhanced individual. It's just for our protection in case she uses her abilities," Maria frowned slightly at the way they were trying to treat her, as if she were trying to hurt people.

"Since you haven't heard anything I said, let me tell you one more time. When my daughter came out of the coma that she's been in for the last 8 months, she lost the ability to use her powers temporarily!" Tony began arguing with the man again.

"Even so, there's still a chance they can come back while we're there so it's protocol to have her wear them," the agent told him defiantly.

"Dad, it's okay, I promise," Maria told him and the agent, hoping it would diffuse the tension, and have them in less trouble than they probably already were.

"This is preposterous, it's inhumane!" Tony shouted watching as the officers walked to Maria and clipped the collar to her neck and wrists. Maria at first felt nothing, but suddenly she felt like all her energy was being sucked out of her. She blinked a couple of times as her vision got a bit blurry and her head began to ache. She felt as if she was about to pass out. "Hey what's wrong sweetheart? What are you doing to her?!"

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