VII: Hello, who is this?

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Chapter 7: Hello, who is this?

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Chapter 7: Hello, who is this?

Maria was nervous. Now Maria doesn't normally get nervous like ever, so this was an unknown feeling to her. Maria sat on her bed that morning staring at her phone that had been ringing the past 10 minutes with her dads contact picture on it.

Maria knew whatever Peter got into last night was coming to bite her in the ass because her father knew better than to call her before 8 in the morning. Maria reluctant to answer her phone did so anyway.

"Hello, who is this?" Maria cringed at her greeting but hoped it made at least a smile crack in her father's face.

"Oh I don't know maybe it's someone who left their daughter in charge because he thought she was mature enough to handle the situation, yet he had to go out of his way to save the kid in the middle of the night so now, he is harboring an amount of anger never seen before in history," Maria scrunched her face frowning about letting her father down.

"To be fair, it wasn't really my fault okay we were at the party and then Peter was trying to show off to his friends and he disappeared and I tried looking but I couldn't find him," Maria tried defending herself although now that she thought about it, she kind of threw Peter under the bus. Eh he'll live, she thought before her dad started speaking again.

"Oh really! You should have stopped him from - wait - did you just say you and the kid were at a party?" Tony questioned stopping his ranting realizing what Maria had just said.

"Huh? Oh-I-well yeah but it was more of an introducing me to the high school party scene since I didn't get to experience it although there wasn't much to experience once I had to look for Peter but I did make a friend which was nice," Maria explained hearing her father sigh on the other end.

"Okay here is what is going to happen, you are never going to have to be more careful so the kid doesn't slip away as easily and next time try using the tracker on his suit okay I don't want you two getting hurt," Maria smiled warmly realizing that her dad was just worried about them getting hurt and not really mad about them helping out.

"Dad it's okay I'm a big girl and Peter can take care of himself I mean he's been doing it for about 6 months without us," Maria tried reasoning with her dad who seemed to agree with what she said.

"Yeah I know but I just worry you know, they don't really have books on how to raise your superpower teenage daughter or taking care of a superpower teenage boy," Maria and Tony laughed at his joke before he turned serious once again.

"Now that you made me expose myself out here, How was the party? Who was the friend you made? Can I meet them?" Tony asked as Maria began explaining what exactly went down the night before as her father listened intently and gave dramatic reactions to her story but honestly Maria just appreciated having a nice conversation with her dad.

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