V: Is this really an emergency?

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Chapter 5: Is this really an Emergency?

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Chapter 5: Is this really an Emergency?

One would think that Tony Stark assigning his 15 year old daughter to take care of another 15 year old kid he decided to take under his wing was absolutely bat shit crazy. The thing is, we already knew that Tony Stark was a little bit off his rocker at least from the wise words of Maria Stark who tweeted about it a few months ago. Tony also knew he could trust his daughter, for crying out loud she was a mini adult if you really though about it and Tony Stark wasn't stupid. Crazy maybe, but stupid, never in a million years. Tony knew boys were always looking at his daughter, I mean why do you think he always had Happy follow her around? So when he realized that Peter Parker had his eyes set on Maria, no matter how much he tried to hide it when Tony was around, he knew she would be perfect for the job.

Who better to keep Peter Parker in check than his crush? What teenage boy wouldn't listen to anything his crush asked him to do? That is why Tony Stark knew his plan was fool proof. Well, until he found out that Maria also held an attraction to Peter Parker then his whole perspective changed. Had Tony accidentally taken the role of match-maker and sent his daughter, who he had been keeping away from boys as long as possible, to the lions den. If Tony had any knowledge that Maria also liked Peter before giving her the job, he never would have given her the task in the first place but now he was stuck because if he told Maria not to do it anymore she would rebel and go against his wishes. Sometimes Tony hated how alike Maria was to him. It made him think this was his karma for always rebelling against his own parents, although he will admit Maria is more laid back than he was which he knew she got from her mother who was always level headed.

"Tony what are you doing?" Tony swiveled his chair around and came face to face with Pepper who had just walked into his office holding two plates of food.

"Just thinking about Maria you know how much she worries me sometimes," Pepper smiled as she walked over and set down a plate across from Tony.

"Oh don't worry about her okay she can take care of herself I mean she has powers you know and she's with Happy so he is also keeping an eye for her," Pepper reassured Tony as he let out a breathy laugh knowing she's right.

"Of course I just worry sometimes I mean she is my little princess. I'll call later to check up on her but let's enjoy this amazing dinner you prepared," Unknowingly to Tony, he wasn't the only one that was going to call Maria that day.


"Ah!" Maria screamed as her phone began beeping making her startle awake and fall of her bed.

"Hey what going on? What's happening?!" Maria groaned as she got up from the floor and looked over at Happy who had ran in with a spatula in hand looking around for danger.

"Nothing Happy sorry to scare you my phone just woke me up," Maira told him sheepishly as Happy put down the pan and gave her an annoyed look.

"You know letting you stay here I thought you would be more well behaved since you're a guest," Maria laughed as she picked up her phone observing that it was Peter texting her once again.

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