II - Birthday

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It's June already, but nothing surprising happened. Just school ending and my new daily routine of studying for exams.

I'm home alone, in my bedroom, sitting at my desk right in front of my window. My room is small, actually, but, recently, I made some changes in it and I feel quite more comfortable here. I have my bed on my left and my acustic guitar laying on it. In front of me I have my maths book, a calculator, my notebook and some pencils I should be using. But I'm really just looking outside the window, distracted.

"Shit.." I almost jump when I come back to reality. I really need to finish this, the maths exam is tomorrow. But my brain is getting weaker. I've been sitting here all day and already did so much. I think it's a good time for a break.

I immediately rush to get my acoustic guitar. The first song that comes on my mind is Fine Line, by Harry Styles. It was the first song of his that I learned on the guitar and it is the simplest one. I really like to play and sing Fine Line along with the original audio, so I turn on my column and start the song.

Playing and singing, I always feel safe in this place, even more with this song. It is not my favorite of his, but doing what I'm doing with it I always feel indescridable. Because the way our voices fit is just... I realised that the fist time doing this, and it sounds crazy saying it out loud.

The song ends and the next one is From the Dinning Table, the playlist being on shuffle. Oh, this one... this song is really growing on me. It's just calming and as I said, our voices are perfect together. I never told that to anyone, but there's a part of me that wishes somebody could value that fact, as well. God, I sound crazy.

I eventually lose myself again, and stay there the rest of the evening, daydreaming at the sound of Harry Styles.


A few days passed and it's my birthday!

I'm not doing any party and inviting lots of people. I don't have that much friends and my family is far, so it's just me and my mother.

She had the day off so we went to lunch at a restaurant as the rich people we pretend to be every once in a while. It still isn't much, but just enough as long as my mother is with me.

By the time I supposedly was born, we are home. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" My mother comes from the kitchen to the living room singing with a cake in her hands. She places it on a table and keeps singing it all as I openly smile at her and at the cake amused.

"Happy Birthday, Sweetheart. I love you." She says hugging and kissing me.

"Thanks, mom! I love you too." I say hugging her as well. I blow the candles, just wishing happiness, and start cutting two pieces of the simple chocolate cake as my mom returns to the kitchen to grab plates and forks.

After, she places them next to the cake, and it's only when I put a piece on one of the plates that I realise it has a paper on it. It looks like a letter.

"What's this?" I ask since it has no information written and it's weird that it is there, out of nowhere.

"Your birthday gift. Open it."

I can't quite remember what I asked as a birthday gift since we never talked about it again. Or maybe I just don't want to, afraid of having a big disappointment.

All I feel is a shiver running down my spine as I see his name, location and date on that pretty unique type of paper, and I don't think I even know what to say about it. My heart races and I wish I could cry. But I'm not someone to get visibly emotional easily, and I don't even remember if I ever did for a birthday gift. Emotionless, some would say. Insensitive, even, and I don't blame who does, because sometimes I get disappointed at myself too. But I suppose it's fine, it's just how it is.

Because really, everything inside me is racing, dancing, jumping, maybe even stopping for a second. I'm only able to hug my mom like I never hugged her before, and that is saying very much.

"I can't belive this, you actually... I can't even talk." I hug her more times and, when I don't, I just stare at the ticket for a Harry Styles concert I have in my hand. But wait... "There's only one ticket..." I say in wonder.


"What? I'm going alone? You're not coming with me?"

"I don't see what's the problem. I think you're mature enough to go by yourself. It's going to be a new adventure, after all, and that's good for you. I'll be around, don't worry."

"Oh.." I try to internalize that for a moment. "It's just a shame that you're going to miss it."

"Oh, don't you worry about that." She chuckles and hugs my head, then says, playfully, pointing to the pieces of cake I had cut "Do you mind if I eat one of these?"


My days since then have been great, as expected. My mind and thoughts are focused in that only thing and as the day gets closer I start to feel more and more butterflies everytime I think about it, but still not believing.

Like me there must be lots of people, out there. Only, I'm sure something will eventually get in the way and prevent me from attending what might be the best night of all my life. Because this is just too much of an awsome thing to be happening to me.

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