XLII - Correlation

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We stayed in New York for that week, having two more shows in the same place and having to pack everything up again to leave the hotel for good and fly to London next. We did one show there, and then drove to Manchester to do another one before Glasgow.

I mean, everyone did that except for me and Harry. We went all together for the first half of the way - in separate cars, of course - but me and Harry decided to stop at his mother's, to see her and spend the night to continue the trip on the next day, by ourselves this time.

"Hmm, smells good!" He claims as he enters the kitchen after his shower. I glance at him instinctively to see him in grey sweatpants and a long sleeved orange t-shirt, and with a towel evolving his hair. He looks so comfy and happy, he feels at home, and an unconscious smile makes me purse my lips and look away, pretending to be more concentrated on what his mother is doing next to me.

Anne is making dinner and I'm helping her with it while waiting for my turn to use the bathroom too. She seems to have everything very well in control, though, - and now that he mentions it, it does smell really good - so I mainly remain to stir the food on the stove every once in a while, when she's doing something else that prevents her from doing it herself.

"It's tacos!" She replies in an of course way, grinning at the enthusiasm of her son. He approaches us and looks over her shoulder to the meat she's seasoning with parsley, messing around with her hair in a caressing way. Then, when he gets back again, he takes the towel from his head and decides that the best place to put it is covering her mother's.

I giggle a little as he smiles mischievously.

"Harry.." She scolds him not seriously, still lasting some seconds around the food before taking it out of her own head. When she does she hits him with it softly and also playfully, saying "Behave. Your girlfriend is here."

He twists himself defensively, giggling and grabbing it out of her hands, putting it over his shoulders like a scarf and easily reaching me and hugging my head carefree, "She doesn't mind." He says and lets me go again, allowing me to speak in a momentary silence in which Anne is remaining to be attentively watched, "Speaking of his girlfriend; can my services be dismissed for now?"

She smiles at me and at my purposely falsely formal ways and rubs my arm saying a lovely "Of course." and off I go.

I take a shower pretty quickly and soon I'm going back into the kitchen wearing Harry's Vans sweatshirt and leggings - only until we go to sleep - and also a towel on my hair. I find Anne taking plates out of a cabinet and placing them on the counter, ready to take them to the dinning table, which I quickly decide to do for her.

I go out of the kitchen again, but this time to the living room, immediately seeing a big wooden table from across it. Even though the lights are off, the TV is on and it's enough to get me to the point. Harry's there too, sitting on the couch that is turned almost sideways to it, peacefully watching a TV show that I don't really try to understand what it is.

When I return from the table that already had the cloth over, I glance at his profile from behind the couch, resting one arm over its back, pinching his lips with the other hand and seeming to have one leg over the other. Different colors and brightness light up his figure in the dark, irregularly and so completely harmlessly, just like in the rehearsals.

His hair is still very damped, but he seems to have brushed it, at some point, as it waves and glows uniformly on top of his head. Too bad I prefer when it's messy, even more being wet as it is. So when I pass by him, I don't hesitate in intertwining my fingers in it and shaking it away, also in a way of disturbing him a little bit just because. But not stopping my steps, though, soon being in the kitchen again, not giving him a chance to reply in any way.

I then take the napkins and glasses that were already waiting for me, returning to the living room again to distribute them by the plates. Knowing the only thing missing is the food itself and that Anne is taking care of it, I walk with the intention of going to sit down next to Harry, while we wait. But, when I get close enough, he grabs my wrist and pulls me down to him, softly, before I could do anything.

My towel falls apart on my head as he makes me lean practically over him to kiss me, discreetly but passionately, on the lips. I grin at him and his still messy hair falling a little in front of his forehead, happy with the result I got from my way of showing him I love him, and he does something like it too as he keeps watching my lips.

Then I manage to stand straight again, and do what I intended in the first place, sitting close to him in a way that the arm he was resting on the back of the couch shifts a little to be over my shoulder instead. I almost lay on him and take that hand on mine, remaining to casually mess with it a little bit while I start giving some attention to what's on the TV. Still not missing the feeling of his chest breathing against me, though.

Not long after, Anne comes with the dinner, turning the lights on and audibly announcing it. I happily get up, purposely supporting myself on Harry's knee before he could do it himself. I don't know why, but today we all seem to be very challenging to each other. Maybe it's the welcoming and comfortable feeling of home around us. If that correlation makes sence in any way.

The evening is spent lovely. Needless to say the tacos were simply great, as I don't remember ever eating any better ones in my life. I even started a third one, but, sadly, my stomach was on its edge by then, and I couldn't anymore, so Harry easily finished it for me.

Then, one or two hours after, we went to sleep. We need to wake up very early tomorrow to go on another three hour drive and be in Manchester before lunch so the rehearsal is done in proper time for the show, and then do the same to Glasgow. And as Harry cuddles me in his bed, the last thing I notice is him pecking my shoulder and whispering "Good night. I love you".

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