XXXIV - Dance

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It was so early, in fact, that we got ourselves ready anyway, after having breakfast, to go out to the studio. We thought about just popping up for a couple of hours before lunch, so we could get the necessary conditions in place to start recording songs of ours during the afternoon and spend the day on that.

We did spent the day on that, and perhaps a little bit more than we had planed, actually. Somehow, we got so exited about it that, before we knew it, Tiffany was calling us to see where we were at, since we were late for the meeting. I realised myself with headphones on, on the little cabine for the recordings, waiting for Harry to finish the call, unaware of time or anything else.

But luckily, that's when he convinced her to change the meeting to dinner time, and we went back to doing our thing until then. We adjusted lyrics and recorded samples only with simple vocals and an acoustic guitar, hoping to meet Harry's band members any day soon and record everything properly.


As we enter the bar, the one on the beach side, where we had agreed on meeting, Harry instinctively makes his way to the counter to happily greet the bartender and friend of his, while I look around, walking slowly towards them, recalling the last time we were here. Nothing much has changed, in fact. It's the same aesthetic and same furniture layout. I'd say somethings were repainted, maybe, but not too much more.

Just when there's a couple of steps left between me and the counter where the two men friendly chat about everything that's been going on, my heart skips a beat when I spot one specific person, sitting alone at a table in the corner of the room, looking down at something he writes.

I end up softly bumping into Harry, distracted by that sight, and my hand finds its way to the pocket of his shorts, where he rests one of his hands, in his turn. At the same time, I suppose he glances at me at the little impact, considering the movement of his voice changing as he doesn't stop the conversation. But he shuts up during a faint second where he must've followed my eyes and seen the same thing as me.

I turn my head ahead to them and Harry quickly does the same as if nothing had happened, although he tightens our intertwined hold of hands, inside of his pocket.

"So, could you land us a table for three?"


"Yes, please."

They say, and that's when I understand the bar has actually changed more than I thought. It's not only a bar now, it's also restaurant, and maybe that's why there's so many people with meals in front of them, which I did see but didn't really had time to process the reason behind it. And I understand that was one of the things Harry and Phil, the man on the other side of the counter, had been discussing.

We easily sit at the table that was given to us, luckily, far enough from Jeff. Although I still keep my eyes focused on him, as if I'm waiting for him to stand up and do something bad at any moment.

Jeff is all me and Harry don't need in this moment of our lives. We're better than we've ever been before and that's saying very much, because we were never actually bad. And Jeff seems to be the one destined to take that away from us. I don't know what I'd do if he even dares to say something to us. I can't stand him, ever since he took my happiness from me, a year ago.

And he's a loser, because nothing he could possibly do would ever interfere in my relationship with Harry. Only if it makes us even stronger and inseparable in some way that not even distance applies.

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