III - Concert Day (part one) - Arrival

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"Good lord..!"

Here we go, on our Fiat, heading to the concert. I'm... I don't even know how I am, to be honest. I just wish this day would never end.

"Alright, you know everything you should and should not do, don't you?*

"Yes.." I sigh, trying to avoid it but I knew she would tell me those things that good mothers always say, again. She let me go alone but she is still worried, of course.

"You don't go with anyone anywere. I'll be right at the door if you need anything. I'll have my phone always here with me if you need anything... You know all that, right?" She is really waiting for my answer.

"I do." And I take deep breaths every now and then. Until we got there and, apparently, I made it. I look over and almost four hours earlier there are only a few people at the entrance peacefully waiting for it to open. "Alright..."

"Alright, have fun, Sweetheart."

I look at my mom without saying a word and I hug her in the best way I can since we're inside the car. But I frown my eyebrows without her noticing as I feel a actual pain of excitement in my chest. "Thank you, mom. I love you."

"I love you too." She says as I then get out of the car. I close the door already turned around from it, taking another deep breath as I walk towards the group of five people that are already there, trying to make sense of myself.

They are sitting on the ground and seem to be talking to each other about something very interesting. I'm not a very extrovert and social person and I even ponder to stay away from them. But as I get closer, some of them notice my arrival and send me glances.

"Is everything okay?" One of the girls gets up and approaches me, sounding genuinely concerned. I keep my frown to myself, noticing just now how I stand awkwardly among the metal barriers, looking down at focusing on figuring out what is it that grips my heart with such brutality.

"I don't think so.." I say lowly, looking at her carefully and glancing at the others some feet behind her too.

"Oh, I got ya, girl." She chuckles and hugs me, to my surprise. But she's clearly not aware that something odd is really happening to me as I believe I'm starting to shake. Another person talks "Come join us."

The first girl grabs my hand and guides me to where they are. A sorry feeling takes over my features as I see they're all wearing something related to Harry, unlike me. I'm only wearing baggy light blue jeans and a black tight top. "What's your name?" The first girl asks me.


"That's a beautiful name. I'm Katherine, but call me Kate.." She is tall, straight dark blonde hair dancing in the wind.

"This is Joanna." She points to a not so skinny girl who has a very volumous short curly hair and wears glasses.

"That is Pete." He is sitting but he looks tall as well, and has caramel colored eyes. He immediately waves at me and I smile at his friendly manners. Suddenly, he almost yells "Straight?" And everyone answers "No, gay!"

We all laugh at ourselves at that reference as he says "Yes, I am!" with all the pride in the world. I find myself figuring how these laughs have a positive impact on my recent concerns. I'm learning of a joy like I don't think I ever did and I suddenly can't stop smiling. Kate continues in between soft giggles" And that is my friend Laura" She has waved hair and also wears glasses.

"Then there's Michelle." She has really short red hair and has a few piercings over her face. I see she has a quite beautiful smile as she shows it to me.

"Wow, it's so nice to meet you guys. I'm sorry I don't have any merch."

"Oh, Honey, here you go." Pete rushes to his back pack, pulls a white t-shirt and gives it to me showing me an enormous figure on it. It's so big that at first I don't recognize what it is but, of course, it's Harry. It is a quite hot picture of him, to be honest. I giggle. "This is perfect! Thank you."

I immediately put in on. It is really comfortable, actually, since it is oversized. Pete has one of these on him too. Everyone said I looked great and there we kept talking about everything and nothing and getting to know each other, waiting for the time to come.

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