XXVI - Plans

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I wake up to a slight ache in my leg, which cause becomes obvious when I realise myself of the odd position me and Harry are laying in. Harry became the one almost laying on me, although we're both turned sideways to each other. One of his legs is completely over me, preventing me from possibly moving away while I sleep. His breath hits gently on my chest as his head is on my pillow in a way that the tip of his nose is touching my neck, while my chin does the same to the top of his head, his messed hair grazing my mouth, nose and cheek.

I don't even last to understand how our arms are, I just move my head to purposely take a deep breath against his hair before gently trying to get out, or at least move my leg that starts to feel numb.

I don't know if he was already awake or I actually manage to get out of bed without him noticing. I appreciate his laying figure for moments, thinking about how I missed him, before bending down to grab the t-shirt I took off last night, glad that I had put on a sports bra - again - so I could spend the night fresher, that eventually fell from the bed and I return it to its previous place.

I finally start to walk but soon hesitate again as I pass by the door to his bathroom, wondering about having shower in there, instead of in the one I used to. I think there wouldn't be a problem and this one is closer anyway.

So I open, enter and close the door again, as silently as I can. Take my clothes off, start the shower and enter it.

It is a matter of seconds before I hear the door being opened again, to my horror, making me rethink my decision at this point.

"Harry?" I call him as if there could be someone else entering the bathroom I'm taking a shower in and I need to make sure it is him, since the glass is very blurry and I can't see that much outside of it, as well as the person on the other side can't see inside. I think...

"Yes?" His voice replies, seeming nonchalant and focused on something else.

"What are you doing?" I ask after a slight second seeing he doesn't seem to understand what is the deal here. Or is he pretending not to and trying to provoke me in any way?

"Having a wee." He clarifies, keeping his nonchalantness evident but mixing it with a little bit of something that finally answers my wonders affirmatively.

I can't help but stop my actions while the noise of his actual urine hitting the toilet water and the toilet itself reaches my ears, mixed with the sound of the water that falls on me. I nod to myself, getting his audacity.

I don't blame him, to be honest. Maybe he felt like I was daring him as well and I must confess; deep down I was a little bit. I wanted to see what he would do. And now, here I stand watching a faint blurry Harry turned backwards to me, now moving to flush the toilet.

"Can I join you?" He suddenly says, but calmly, intead of making his way to the sink and from there out to leave me with my own privacy, as I thought he would. I already know I won't have it this time. However, I can't help myself from widening my eyes.

"What?" I still try to make sure that I heard him right before taking any further conclusions.

"Can I join you in the shower?" He repeats lower and not so determinedly as before and, somehow, it ends me even more. I instinctively look down at my body, for some reason. We never saw each other that naked before, it would certainly be somewhat interesting. But will I let him do it as easily as that?

"Why would you want that?" I ask gently, allowing my shy smirk to be noticed in my voice.

"Why wouldn't I?" He replies and I roll my eyes at it. I don't know if I hate or love when he twists my question like that, preventing himself from concretely answering and me from being able to reply anything else. So I start to feel strange bubblings inside me as I normally give in his request, "Alright."

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