XLIV - Shrapnels (part two) - Empty

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Harry took it way off the limits. I couldn't look at him or Tiffany, I couldn't look at anyone. It felt like they all knew it was happening at the time and did nothing about it. I felt like ripping my own hair off everytime they - mostly Tiffany - said something, acting like ignorants and seeming to be happy about it. I kept opening my mouth ready to speak and tell her to go to all the places. But I clenched my fingers in a fist and bit my lips, preventing myself from making that mistake.

Honestly, I don't even know why I did so, why I didn't spoke my guts out. They both lost my consideration for them, so it would be the least I, and them, would deserve.


We finally arrive at Harry's place, back in Sunset Strip, and I couldn't be more glad about it, despite everything. I don't even last a second before getting out of the car and taking my luggage from the trunk by myself, and not because of the rain. I'm losing my temper, so I don't even remember I would have to wait for Harry, anyway, since he's the one able to open the doors.

He does, silently, on his own slow angry manners, still fast enough not to let ourselves get too much wet. He better be angry; I don't know why, but he better be unhappy about this situation. Our ride eventually leaves and we go inside, him after me, before he could possibly step in front of me and be knocked down, unintentionally or not.

"Diana, listen to me." He speaks firmly after a sigh as he closes the door. I stop abruptly and turn around as I was about to reach the stairs to go to my bedroom, never to leave again, and say "What?" equally firmly in between my clenched teeth.

He studies me quietly for some seconds, and I start feeling some emotion again at the look in his eyes and thinking about how much he hurt me.

"That is fake." He simply says lowly and I gasp again in a sarcastic of course it is.

"And you only tell me this now? I don't think so--"

"Because I've been trying to understand it, too!" He almost cuts me off, speaking with a little more conviction, "And I don't, I honestly still don't. I remember many things from that party, and that isn't one on them."

I stare at him gesturing his words, my only reaction being my face contracting slightly in disgust. "And you know I wasn't drunk, you saw me."

"I don't know anything, Harry. As long as I do you could be lying to me." I tell him almost in a whisper and he raises his eyebrows.

"Did I ever lie to you?!"

"Well, I don't know, do I?" I speak a bit louder too and open my arms and let them fall against my waist again, starting to breathe a little bit faster.

"I'm not!"

"How can I be so sure of that?!"

"I'm telling you! That video is fake, we didn't do it and you saw how Tiffany was unaware of it too, today. I didn't do that, I'd never do that, I love you! You have to believe me.." I step back as he seems to make a move to reach me, although we're considerably far from each other.

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