XXIII - Court (part one) - Ashes

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I can't tell exactly what happened the following days, I lost track of time and space almost, and I only had a hold on it the moment the plain took off, hours ago. I started to feel anxious about going to court and most of all about seeing Harry, almost a year after. I'm afraid I won't be able to say anything in his favor or if I'm even allowed to. And if I do, will it be relevant in his final sentence?

For now I can only tap nervously and eagerly on the door of the taxi I am resting my arm on. Down on my other hand, on my lap, there's my phone showing the text with the indications I needed to know to get in the courthouse, which I just told the taxi driver, sent by my mother when I arrived the airport. Luckily, I arrived just in the right time, the few minutes I had left before the beginning of the trial, being enough for the taxi to get me there.

As I expected, soon we arrive in front of a big building, it being my destination. It isn't fancy and Greek as I thought it would be, but actually pretty modern with window-walls almost everywhere, reflecting the white stains painted on the big blue canvas above, that turns darker and darker as the evening arrives.

I feel a breeze gently blowing trough my hair and neck and I thank the brown cardigan I had unconsciously dressed before I got in the taxi. It still has his smell. Very barely, but sometimes I'm still hit by a faint scent of his, to witch I close my eyes at everytime.

I pay and thank the driver, and carefully walk into the building. The fear of the unknown slightly crushing my guts, while my heart is being crushed by the wonder of Harry being already in the building as well or not. Thinking he could be so close and yet so impossible to reach..

For now, I reach a long balcony with only one lady behind it.

"Good afternoon. I'm here to attend to Harry Styles's trail..." I let my words fade out while I look her in the eyes, trying to get her to understand I need help. She nods and easily tells me where to go.

While I walk, it surprises me it is this simple to get into the courthouse. I expected her to ask my identification and all those things. But soon I arrive at the door she told me, blocked by two security guards, in front of whom I stop, allowing them to do that job themselves.

I give one of them the identification he asks for. He compares my face to the one on the card and checks my age. I wonder If they saw my name and if they know. He gives it back to me, everything seeming to be in order, and the other guard proceeds to search for any illegal objects on me. There isn't that much to look for since the only thing I have on me are simple clothes, my phone and a small wallet, so they easily let me into the room.

It is not as wide as they usually are. Maybe because the amount of poeple already inside, murmuring to each other, filling it, gives away that illusion. I don't hesitate in going to sit on one of the few seats left near one of the edges. It may not be the best but it's perfect for me to go unnoticed.

I sit and take a deep breath, readying myself for anything to happen. While I wait, of course I look around. I don't seem to recognize anyone, but they're mostly mid aged. I don't see any fans - obviously, I think - it would probably be too inconvenient for the situation. Then why was I allowed to enter? I don't look like a fan or they did recognize me? I shrug internally, that not being an important thing to think about, and get my phone from the pocket of my jeans, remembering to turn it off.

I do that and it is as if I turn off the room itself as well. I look up, realising the cause of it being the actual judge coming in and sitting in her place. I put the phone away, my heart now burning to what's about to come.

It becomes ashes when, seconds after, another door opens and Harry, handcuffed and along with two deputies securing him from behind, slowly walks through it into the room. He faces the ground, his usual contagious confidence nowhere to be seen, and frowns, giving away his lack of hope instead. Although, I can't take any good look into his eyes to know that's what is going on his mind for sure.

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