VI - Concert Day (part four) - Backstage

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I do as he says, without verbalizing my questions, and follow behind him.

"She's coming with me." He says quietly but loud enough for the security guards to hear. And so we turn the opposite way from where I came and walk quickly towards what then I realise to be backstage.

A man on a casual suit immediately rushes to Harry, looking at me suspiciously "Harry, what is this?"

Harry glances at me to see what the man is talking about, as if he doesn't know. ""this" is a person, Jeffrey." He does de quotation marks with his hands apprehensively and pushes me closer to him with his arm around my shoulders "And she is Diana. Now, would you excuse us? I'll talk with you later."

Harry doesn't give Jeff a chance and keeps guiding me trough the backstage. The place is like a corridor all the way around the arena. It appears narrower thanks to the immense amount of equipment cases stacked one on the other along the walls and the busy staff poeple walking here and there.

We eventually stop and he turns to face me as he sits on one of those cases sideways, so one of his legs is higher and hanging and the other is lower with the foot on the ground. I do the same looking at him waiting for him to say something, already expecting to wake up in my bedroom before he does.

"Let me just ask how old are you?"

I don't reply for faint seconds, understanding that, at this point, I won't wake up so soon. Then I do it lowly "Just turned 17 last month."

"Happy birthday, then." The sweetest smile on his lips and I don't know how to react. It's not everyday that Harry Styles wishes you happy birthday. I still smile in thank you.

"Are you here alone?"

"Uh, my mom's waiting outside."

"Poor woman.." He shakes his head but doesn't look anywhere else but me. And there's something in his eyes as he does. It empowers my heart and I can clearly feel it beat inside me. And so, coming to terms with myself that this is indeed more real than I belive, I can only ask myself why?

"Right? I told her it was a shame she was going to miss the show." I say softly, smiling of a sudden happiness that feels safe to trust in as I look into his eyes. He understands what I wanted to say and giggles, also in thank you.

"Alright so, here's the thing. Probably no one knows about this but I've been looking for someone to work with, for ages... you know, to record with me and be my career partner every now and then." He talks very slowly and I listen carefully.

"And I guess it's when I less expect it that I get what I want." That sounded more narcissistic than it was probably supposed to. "You see where I'm going, right?"

I do, but I'm afraid I'm wrong, so I hesitate "You want me to be that person?"

"That's right. I want you."

I wide my eyes at the way he was not supposed to say that like that. I know he doesn't mean it that way but it is enough to make me blush. Even more with a smirk like that. Deep breath and I catch it again. "But, I mean.. I'm no professional or anything.."

"You're not? But you do realise how good you sounded up there, don't you?"

"Well, yeah, but--"


Jeff shouts somewhere behind me, letting Harry know that he needs to get ready to return to the stage. He both glance at it but Harry immediately talks again "Okay, look. Go get your mother. I'll talk to the security and they'll let you get her and you both return here. Talk to her and discuss about this. When I'm finished up there I'll return here, as well, and we'll talk a little bit more, okay?"

I nod my head affirmatively and he leads me to the security guards. He does what he said, they let me pass and wait for my return.

My mom is in the same spot where I left her. As I walk towards her I remember the last time I was here. It was still day and I was just another one of thousands of us all there for the same reason. Little did I know I'd be here again before the end of the concert because Harry Styles himself wants me to tell my mother he wants me to work with him.

Because I already belive it. I still don't know what I did for such thing, but might as well let it come, anyway. Stop doubting so much and maybe I'll turn to be a better person.

My mom turns her head to me before I reach the car. I smile at her to let her know everything is ok but she still gets out of the car worried. "Did the concert end already?"

"No. Funny, right?" I hug her. "Come on, we need to get inside again."

"Again? I think if you come out you cannot return."

"Well, then I'm special, I guess." I send her a look of smirking to myself and make her follow me because she knows she has to, anyway.

"My mom." I simply tell the security guards as we reach them and they understand the assignment. Once inside again, I lead my mom to where I was with Harry previously.

"Diana, can you tell me what's happening?" My mom is in a more severe tone, now, and I turn to her.

"What if I told you.." I stop for a moment listening to Harry's muffled voice back on singing and then I tell her every single detail of what just happened. She shows a proud light in her eyes and says all the best things she could say.

"Sweetheart, of couse I support you to do that. I know how much you want to have a future in music." She says calmly and I smile openly at her. "But I'm concerned about how you two would be able to work together. You live in opposite sides of the world." She adds and my face softness to look pensive at the ground.

"You're right. I don't know how he wants to do that. He said he would return when he finishes the concert, to talk to us. He shouldn't take long, I guess."

I was right. About ten minutes later he appears on the entrance to the backstage under our attentive and excited gazes. I love how tall he looks in here.

"Hello, ma'am, pleasure to meet you. I'm Harry Styles." They are introduced to each other. I also love how sweet he is to my mother. "I don't have much time so tell me what conclusions you came up with.

"My mom agrees with us working together." I say with a smily face and he does the same, his eyes happily wandering between me and my mother in front of him.

"That's lovely!"

Then my mom talks "But how would that be possible, is my only concern."

"Humm..." He thinks for moments, crossing his arms over his chest but pinching his lips with one of his hands. "I'm staying for a couple more days. Guess we could come up with a date to meet and we could talk about this with more time. Is that okay with you?"

We both look to my mom to wait for her answer "Of course. Tomorrow?"

"If you want, sure." He says smiling. "See you tomorrow, then."

"Goodbye, Harry!"

"See you."

And I watch as he makes a little run to wherever he was supposed to go, waving at us.


We then returned home. I slowly realised the turn my life just took and it's crazy. I'm just scared that tomorrow I wake up and all of this was just a dream.

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