XXXII - Stars (part two) - Look At The Stars

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"You make me feel things.. you make me wanna do things to you." He growls, gripping my neck a little stronger, but soon letting go of my kiss and distancing himself from me to turn ahead, now leaning on both his arms. As he does, he says lowly "But you won't let me."

I stare at him and purse my lips, still feeling his on them. He's right, I'm not ready yet, or at least that's what he still thinks. I lay my head on his shoulder, thinking, as we stay in silence. However, something inside me screams louder than ever, even more with the incompleteness he left me dealing with.

At it, I start to wonder what is it like... what is he like, almost as if I don't understand how is it possible that I wasn't ready in other times and didn't let him show me. And so the fire burns as a shiver runs all through my guts, still not being enough to put it out since it's too much. It's too much to handle, this time.

I feel my heart in my throat, as I finally move one of my hands to his chest, somewhere my eyes were already gazing. The first buttons are undone so it's easy to get under it and touch his skin. My cold hand makes contrast with his warmth, and he takes a deep breath softly at it. I brush his chest hairs and then one of the birds he has tattooed under his colar bone. I follow its outline with my finger very lightly, as if I'm drawing it, my thoughts boiling around what my actions mean.

And so I don't last too long. I tilt my head and kiss the base of his neck astonishing lightly while letting my hand go down a little bit, equally slowly, to his breast. But his shirt is suddenly not wide enough and I change my way to its buttons, instead, unhappy about having them as an obstacle and start taking them out of the way.

As I do, I decide to make it better, and also to make him understand. So I get back and easily change my position to sit over him instead. I don't stop with the unbuttoning but I glace at his face, discovering he has been watching my actions very attentively. Sensing it, he looks up at my face too with a curious look.

As I'm done with his shirt and spread it away from him, I return my hand to where it was going in the first place, this time not so hesitantly, and take a deep breath discreetly - maybe even just mentally - as I lean forward on him at the same time. I close my eyes unconsciously, breathing him while gently pressing my pelvis on his and grazing his ear with my lips to whisper "Try me."

He sighs profoundly at it, and leans his head back with is eyes closed. I face his neck, thinking for a second before licking it up very passionately and biting right underneath his jaw. I notice him starting to breathe heavily as I leave my teeth softly sunked on his skin. At the same time, I let my hand slide down on him as its destination is only one.

And that's when he makes a move and manages to flips us over, laying me on my back and being him the one over me. We face each other with poor illuminated faces, although our smirks are still very well noticeable.

"Are you sure?" He asks lowly, hoarsely and ironically. However, I don't even have time to process my reply as a horribly familiar sound is heard in the distance. Harry snaps his head to it so abruptly that for a second I wonder how he managed to not break his neck, and his facial expression is unbelievably drastically changed to one showing the terror he feels at it.

My simile too slowly vanishes as I watch him and realise what it means. Once again, just as the peace surrounds us like a bubble, a loud siren pops it and takes it away from us. Harry suddenly gets back, away from me, remaining kneeling and blindly looking at the sound getting closer and louder really fast.

I raise to sit and look in its direction too, already seeing red and blue lights taking away the brightness of the stars too. Its source is seconds of being right on top of us and, because of that, I turn to look at Harry again and he looks at me too. I don't even think once and quickly crawl the little distance between us, murmuring a "No!" to myself, and we bump into each other.

A matter of an instant, before the car reaches us and I hold him as tight as I possibly can, having no intentions of letting go of him, and I feel him doing the same to me. I close my eyes strongly and hold my breath, not ready for what's happening.

But the only thing that does happen is the noise going away in the same way and as quickly as it came. I keep my position and strength though, thinking it's just me losing my senses again and I still mustn't give up.

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you

I hear the next song coming on the radio of the car, gradually taking over the shrill sound of the siren somewhere away from us again. Something's not right then...or, better, couldn't be more right.

"Breathe." Harry's voice then softly tells me, somewhere against my shoulder, after what seems to be 5 minutes or so after. I abruptly do, realising I'm shaking against him at the harsh reaction I had, and open my eyes to see everything around me just as it was. Even Harry.

"I'm here." He talks again, thankfully confirming what my sight isn't enough to. I feel my head spin a little bit as I breathe from my mouth, struggling a bit to catch the air. I keep widely, but blindly, looking ahead still not loosening him in any way, the thought of losing him again not wanting to leave, since it came so unexpectedly.

Your skin
Oh yeah, your skin and bones
Turn into
Something beautiful
Do you know,
you know I love you so?

But it's only softened away when Harry moves his head to cuddle himself properly against my neck, breathing out a sigh of something too. I wonder if he's listening to the song too, and if he realises it is referring to him, in this moment.

It's true
Look how they shine for you

I move my head a little, after being the entire song holding onto each other in silence, just enough to be able to find his lips and softly press mine on them, not being able to process what would I be if I didn't had them here right now.

The song ends and I still take a while before eventually softening my hold of him, letting go of the shirt I didn't realise I was gripping. That's when I find myself remembering what we were doing before, as his torso is bare against me.

"Harry, I want to go home." I whisper, as the vibe of that moment was completely killed. I don't need anything else, anyway, as long as I still have Harry with me, and I only don't cry of relief that I do, because now my brain refuses to think otherwise, thankfully. Right now I feel safe in his arms, but I don't know if he feels the same about me, so I want him to be somewhere I'm sure he's safe at.

"Please." I ask seriously as he doesn't seem to want to let go of me, but my voice trembles as I'm starting to feel anxious at the feeling of the noise coming back again at any moment. If that is to happen, I want us to at least not be here to experience it anymore.

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