XL - New York (part two) - Surprise

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Our performance goes perfectly, as expected. But as soon as the last chord is played, the room turns pitch black, not even giving anyone the chance to aplaude properly. I immediately stop my instinct of going to hug Harry again, after the song, and just try to look around instead, as confused as the cheerings that turn to surprised ones. Did the power went off?

But, suddenly, his touch meets my face and secures it in place as I he says loud enough at me ear "Stay here. I've got something for you."

I do as he says, but not because he told me to. I feel a shiver, and uselessly try to follow him with my gaze, when I feel let go, but I'm afraid of even moving my feet and fall out of the stage. He's got something for me. And I wonder how is he managing to go wherever he's going. Feline sight, I think to myself, although my thoughts are really just like the environment surrounding me; dark blank, but with little confused buzzes all around.

Some of the fans start lighting up the flashes of their phones, at some point, either to try to see anything or because they know they must do it. Because soon a piano is heard, making more of them do it too and I quickly turn to it, desperate to know what is happening. I easily find myself staring at Harry, sitting at a grand piano in the middle of the stage, his only source of light being a single soft orange spotlight, and I'm suddenly drift off to that day in the piano room at the studio;

The light is very similar, the piano seems exactly the same and Harry's expression almost hurting of concentration being, as well, too familiar to me. Even the song he's playing; I'm pretty sure it's the one he played to me that day.

Now you were standing there right in front of me
I hold on, it's getting harder to breathe
All of a sudden these lights are blinding me
I never noticed how bright they would be

He starts singing, and I can't quite understand if the crowd is really in complete silence or it's just my senses going crazy again. My heart aches; this song was his all along, but I didn't know he had lyrics for it. And these aren't just any lyrics; he speaks, as I understand, of our worst event together. He speaks of me. What he has for me is a song he wrote for me.

I saw in the corner there is a photograph
No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you
It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass
This bed was never made for two

He continues, and suddenly Mitch is there too, on another spotlight - but a weaker one, though - giving his guitar some jams along.

I'll keep my eyes wide open
I'll keep my arms wide open

The bridge comes, right before Sarah too joins the song with soft drums, making me shiver and that doesn't last too long before turning into visible emotions.

Don't let me
Don't let me
Don't let me go
'Cause I' m tired of feeling alone

My eyes form tears, just like a while ago, but this time they're different; I'm not unhappy or hurting. Well, maybe hurting a little bit as I hear the way he sings with so much feeling and conviction.

Don't let me
Don't let me go...

He makes a slight change of note that not everyone would notice at first, but I, having done so, cover my mouth with my hands as my breathing gets irregular, suddenly realising my lack of movement. It hits me right in the chest, making me gasp and aggravating my situation.

I promised one day that I'd bring you back a star
I caught one and it burned a hole in my hand, oh
Seems like these days I watch you from afar
Just trying to make you understand

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