XXVII - Returning

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That day we actually decided to go to studio, against all the odds. I was expecting Harry to want to stay home for some days, to rest or whatever he would need to do to return. But if I think about it, it does make sense that he craves for going back to work after a year prevented from doing what he loves. Also, Harry's band members wanted to see him so it was perfect to rejoin in the studio, hang out and work a little bit with everyone.

But there's still something in the air I can't define. Harry hasn't been in his best ever since he got out, I don't know if obviously or not, but I notice it getting worse every time someone mentions the manager situation. Which I don't understand because he says he has everything in control, and yet, seems to be more lost than ever.

I start to get worried. Every time I look into his eyes they are dark, and not due to the low light of the studio. And every time he looks into my eyes too, he doesn't last to look away. He never does that, our eye contacts always use to be intense, despite the people we have around. But now there's something out of my understanding bothering him and I don't like that.

For now, at least, he may be a little distracted. The boys went to the little cabin where the records are usually done because, from what I understand, Mitch is showing Harry how to play something on the guitar, while me and the girls remain around the little table next to the couch, still eating the pizzas they brought with them.

"I was so worried about him." Sarah says, as they express how grateful they are that Harry is out and well. I keep noding at them, not sure if there's any need in expressing myself about this. I'm sure it is obvious.

"Right? It was all so sudden." Ny adds and the others agree.

"Mitch was able to have a call with him, at one point. Harry sounded so disturbed that I didn't even realise it was him on the phone at first, to be honest."

"Really?" I ask at the new information Sarah just gives me. She nods along with the acknowledging of Ny and Elin. I turn to look at Harry, instinctively, through the window separating the two spaces and there's a break in our conversation while I watch him concentrated in Mitch's demonstration and trying to copy it on the guitar he holds himself, once in a while. The sounds reach my ears faintly but I don't try to ear them better, anyway.

Was Harry that troubled to the point of not sounding like himself? It's surely something that makes my head spin for trying to take in.

"He does look a lot better now, though." Ny claims and I turn to look at the pizzas in front of us again, thinking about her words.

"Yeah, he exercised, didn't he?" Elin innocently asks, tilting her head to glance at him.

"That's not what I--" Ny starts but gets lost in giggles that eventually spread to all of us, some seconds before another little silence. I glace at him again, but this time he must've heard us and sensed something, so glances back at me as well, and my butterflies seem to start a little fight over who eats the most pizza inside my stomach. I give him the ghost of my previous laugh and he returns an attempt of it too, then shifting his gaze back to the guitar.

"I'm not so sure about that." I claim lowly, and, after a second, turn to see them wondering about my words. I sigh, deciding to speak my thoughts, but not looking directly to the girls. "Yesterday I thought he would be fine, too, but there's something... still bothering him.." I let my words fly around us and they don't answer me for moments.

"I mean..." Elin starts. "...he just got out of almost a whole year in jail. You have to understand it must've not been easy." She says trying to assure me, of course, and I nod to her, although still not buying it so easily.

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