IV - Concert Day (part two) - Goosebumps

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It's insane the amount of people that formed a line, ending God knows where, during those four hours. Where on Earth this country has so many people, so many Harry Styles fans? I suppose he really is taking over the world. Luckily, me and my new friends are the really first ones among that domination, so we passed through the security and entered in an empty arena.

I've never been here before and only now I realise what I've been missing. I could easily live here forever and maybe that's my new life goal. I love how even smaller and insignificant I feel in this space out of how wide it is and I can't get enough of looking up to the empty seats around the empty space where the stage is and where we are going to stand during the concert, since we all bought standing tickets.

We immediately rush to as close as possible, but in a strategic place, to the stage. This is when I start to really feel it again as I actually realise I'm in a Harry freaking Styles freaking concert. When I see the typical principal stage in the middle and two opposite kind of bridges that filled the rest of the space, now makes me feel something I can only compare to bubbles somewhere inside me and I shake again, feeling like I could easily jump from the ground directly to the stage, if I wanted to, where anytime soon Harry will be.

Though I may not be smilling right now, and it may seem like I want to be anywhere else but here. I'm kind of lost since I'm here alone, despite the people I just met. But I guess I'm just not like getting all hysterical and so and let it all out. I'm still to find out if that's something to concern about or not.

More and more poeple come in. In the standing space, in the siting space and it seams they just never stop coming during the hour we wait inside. People start singing Harry's songs, One Direction songs, other songs nothing to do with anything. We are all just... winning in life, that's what I can say, at least for myself.




Every single person in here screams as loud as they can when the change of lights tell us the show is starting. Everything inside me trembles and revolutionizes as colors coming from the video on the big screen and the spotlights, and Harry's 'da tararara's happen everywhere and become my reason of being alive in this moment, although I fear it might be the reason for me passing out at any moment too.

Whit that, Golden suddenly starts playing without giving us a chance to even breathe. Everyone jumps for their lives and I do too, trying to understand if that's what my body needs. So I let it out, feeling my eyes burn as then he shows up.

Wow, seeing him real person is... is even like I'm not seeing him properly, the closer he is. My thoughts are somewhere else, I am somewhere else and I can not describe what is happening. Let me just--


A complete dream is what I belive I'm living. I try to feel and appreciate every single moment and emotion inside me the best I can because I know it'll be over soon and then only my memory can console me. I feel so alive. So unrealistically alive.

"Feeww, oKaY..!" Harry says after he finishes Kiwi, taking a deep breath playfully and walking around.

"You guys are on fire tonight!" Of course everyone yells as he giggles. "SOo, I think it's time for us to settle down for a moment. Don't you think?" Screams. "And I think Fine Line would do it, right?"

More screams while he picks his guitar up and puts it around himself. He then walks to a microphone right next to me and my group. Almost in front of us. What a magical, majestic view my eyes are having. I stop for a moment and actually take a picture of that, just because.

He starts strumming up and down those chords I know so well.

Put a price on emotion
I'm looking for something to buy

I love this line, I feel so obviously related to it I could tattoo it on me. Although in this moment I'm having all the emotions possible for free, really. Only not giving it to anyone else.

We'll be a fine line

Oh so beautiful all the voices singing calmly along with his, and I feel calm myself too, thankfully, for some moments. I usually make some changes of tones in this part and this time it isn't different. His eyebrows are frowned, he must be really feeling the music. I simply love when he frowns, in a personal level.

The next verses I make all the melodic tones of the original audio, because I'm used to it, no big deal. But it doesn't seem that many people are doing that so there's times my voice almost prevails, despite how stupid it is to think that.

Then the chorus comes again and I do the same thing as before and it's coming out really well, to be honest.

He keeps frowning, for some reason, more than he already was, and looks around, confused, apparently looking for something in the crowd.

Goosebumps as his green eyes easily land on me and stay fixed. He steps away from the microphone, letting us sing on our own, but he seems to also keep singing on his own as well, focused and not losing sight of me. I look at him as well, of course, but I don't give it that much of an importance and I keep my singing too. He's just looking at nowhere that happens to be in my direction.

The strange look on his face slowly fades away and he retuns to the microphone to sing the 'we'll be alright' part, but now he seems distracted, in some way. He even sings it in a low tone, for our - at least, my - sadness.

The song eventually ends and he immediately tries to break through the screams and applauses "Excuse me.." He sounds urgent, but they don't stop. "Please, everyone..." He waits a little bit, messing with his headset and making a calm sign with his other hand flat in the air, until they finally realise.

"Uh.. I'm sorry.. I'm about to do something I never... I can't help it." He looks at me again as he finds his words. Somehow, this time, he really seems to see me. "Can someone allow her to get up here on stage?"

He says slowly and carefully, pointing at me. This is it, I'm going pass out in this moment right here. I still keep my eyes on him waiting for my soul to come back to my body and feel everyone trying to take a glance at me to see who is Harry Styles talking to.

"Please?" He insists.

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