VIII - Flight

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Today's the day! I'm so anxious about everything: leaving my mom; leaving de country; the 11 hours flight; the flight; going somewhere I don't know; I don't know how things will be like; I don't know when I'm coming back - probably around the end of October, I still have school after that. And if that wasn't enough, I'm doing all of this along with Harry Styles, like.. what the actual fuck?

Me and my mom arrive at the airport just in time and we quickly do the check-in so I can get through the security and go where I'm supposed to in order to get on the plane.

"You have everything on you?"

"I think so."

"You know where to go and what to do?"

"Yeah, I'll manage myself."

"Alright, Honey. Go on then." My mom gives me a good hug goodbye. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for her. "Call me as soon as you land and keep updating me every day, ok?"

"Don't worry, mom. I promise."

"Have fun, Sweetheart. Now hurry up, they must be already waiting for you."

Off I went. I've never done this before and I'm fucking scared as I walk with my enormous suitcase, carrying almost all my belongings, through all the other people going around their own business.

I did everything I was supposed to and I realised myself being guided by a flight attendant, that was waiting for me specifically, at the gate.

"Miss Diana?" She said, reaching for me. "Mr. Styles is waiting for you. Please, follow me." And that gave me goosebumps.

We actually end up outside and I immediately see a private jet. Well, they say there's a first time for everything. We go up its stairs, the flight attendant enters before me, speaking to someone already inside "Excuse me, Mr. Styles. Miss Diana is here."

And so I enter te plane just in time to see him standing up, smiling.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I say to him while the flight attendant takes my suitcase to put it away. He suddenly tries to hide his smile, saying "You are. And you're fired."

I hold my breath for a moment, feeling the blood on my face drain out, turning it white. But the smirk that is appearing on his face stops me from almost passing out.

"Jesus, Styles..." I let my breath out, managing to grab the closest seat to me, to hold myself from falling, in a playful dramatic way, just because. "Don't scare me like that."

He giggles and approaches me to hug me again. "Make yourself comfortable."

I finally take a good look at the inside of the plane. It seems smaller than it does on the outside and I see it's going to be a private flight. There's big beige leather seats on both sides, tables with drinks and a cupboard with snacks.

"Can I eat some of these?" I ask looking amazingly at a bowl full of dry fruits.

"If you want to."

I take the whole bowl with me and I sit on the opposite side of the plane as Harry, but still beside him. I try to relax, eating olny the peanuts and pistaches from the bowl, for now, and take a glance at him. His white t-shirt allows me to see the muscles of his tattooed arm contract as he quietly types on his phone. Business, I assume. I dare to look up and see his side profile intently looking down at it.

Then I look around one more time, nervous with that sight I just had and return my attention to my bowl. "I could get used to this."

He just turns his head to my comment right before the flight attendant approaches us "Excuse me. We're about to take off. Please, put your seat belts on.

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