XXX - Uncondicionally

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"Okay, I may have put a little too much effort on it, for a first day..." Tiffany starts, not even caring about greeting our stuned persons or even about knocking on the door of the studio she suddenly makes her way through. Her energy and enthusiasm are evident, although it is still early in the mornig. Both me and Harry silently follow her with our gazes as she immediately joins us in the couch, sitting between me and him. I quickly glance his way as we involuntarily part from each other to give her the space she doesn't seem to mind occupying and he too sends me a curious look.

"...but anyway." She shrugs to herself, placing the laptop she brought with her on the little table, right on top of the sheets me and Harry were writing on, and openig it to countless and confusing things on the screen. 

"Some of them didn't answer me yet, but I think must of them did... Here it is! See, these ones are those that keep the same date as before, these here changed it a bit and these few here I don't know yet." She enumerates, signalizing tree lists in the middle of the organized mess on the screen, referring to the locations and dates of future shows that were rescheduled for this year. She waits for us to take a quick look at it - mostly Harry, of course - and proceeds, opening another folder on top of that one.

"And here are some of the companies interested in talking with you. I also included a couple talk shows, don't know if that's what you're exactly longing for... And, I tried to go for ones you never attended, if that's also okay. I think it'd be refreshing... They're pretty light, in fact. I did a research of their work, for each one of them, and found them very good. I can do a summary of it so that you can select them yourself, if you want."

I take my eyes of the laptop, leaning back on the couch and looking at him from behind Tiffany. His eyebrows are raised in amazement and he nods slowly in ackowledgment, staring at the laptop and the corners of his lips slightly turned up. I also try to contain a smile at it and at the reason behind it. The dedication Tiffany is showing is actually making my happy and satisfied that there's someone like her taking care of Harry's carrer.

"Also, what about photoshoots?"

"Hm, I'm not really thinking of doing that so soon." He replies lowly pinching his lower lip with his fingers, thinking about it.

"Alright then, we'll leave this for another time." She acknowledges, calmly closing the folder that seemed to be the most composed, which she had pushed to the front for seconds. After that she eventually closes the laptop, although she's not finished yet.

"Now, I understand you're recording an album, am I right?"


"And how's it going?" She asks, leaning back on the couch as well as me, leaving Harry to stare at us two sitting almost in the same position, staring back at him, waiting for the answer.

"Nearly finished, just some small adjustments left..." He starts, pointing out to the screens next to the mixture tables, taking it has his cue to change his position. He unnecessarily brushes his hair back and leans on the arm of the couch the best he can so he still faces us, crossing his legs and arms.

" Oh, right, your producers left.." She interrupts, wondering about her suspicions and Harry replies, talking slowly and unbothered, "Apparently. I can finish what needs to be finished on my own for now, but I wouldn't mind at least one producer for future events."

"On it!" She immediately says, taking her phone out and quickly typing something on it.

"One more thing..." She starts when she puts the device away again, hesitating for some seconds, trying to find her words. "What's this with you two?"

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