XXV - Assurance

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We got home in no time. Funny enough, the driver that took me to the courthouse was still waiting for me when we got out, because I had forgot my luggage in the car. I had forgot I had brought luggage in the first place, honestly. So we didn't need to wait for another taxi right there in front of the crowd.

But we still had to give them a little bit of what they wanted. Mostly Harry, of course. Surprisingly, practically no one asked for photos, the only ones that were taken were by the paparazzi and two or three fans, by exception. They were actually there to show Harry they were happy for him for getting out of jail and I found it really sweet of them to show such an affection for him.

I noticed myself thinking how weird this is - and, in other hand, how lucky I am - to be a fan myself, just like them, and I would probably do the same they did there. But yet, I'm not quite just another one in the middle of the crowd, unnoticeable. I'm actually beside Harry, seeing things from his point of view and feeling happy that he receives this love from others instead of me just being one of them.

To whom he waved and blew kisses in thank you and love you, while they cheered and cried that he was free at last. I think it never crossed my mind how did the fans handle Harry's arrestement this whole time. With no new music, no tour, no content or anything like it and probably just rumors and uncertainties about the events. The news only told he had been arrested but not for what, so it must have been pretty confusing for them.

Thank the Gods and Saints, or whatever there is above us all, everything just came back to normality and I couldn't be more satisfied about it.

Harry barely closes the front door behind him, when he pulls my hand, making me turn around to him, as I entered the house first. He shifts his hands to hold my jaw and neck and kisses me, and I understand how much he's been longing for me and my kiss itself. I match the passionate movements of his mouth and the possessive position of his hands, but I fail in containing my smile at the rough touch I feel against my lips.

"You grew your mustache.." I say against his, almost whispering, as if I need his own confirmation to know for sure. He only detaches his face from mine because my lips are stuck in a smile and I can no longer move them do to anything. None of us moves away, he looks at me with smirking eyes while I appreciate the reason of my current expression and the way it looks on his face from more closely.

He shrugs as if it happened just by chance, but the look in his eyes tells me it was precisely because he knew I'd like it. For a second, the thought of it being also because it made him feel like I was with him, in some way - and as if that makes sense - crosses my mind. Although, I quickly decide to let it go and dedicate in trying to tell him I really do appreciate it.

But the sight I'm having is too much to handle, even after a year imagining and playing it in my head every night, so my emotions leave me to only be able to hug his neck again.

"I missed you." He then sighs lowly and muffled against mine, after some seconds of our chests managing to breathe against each other properly, and everything bubbles inside mine.

"God, Harry.. I missed you too..." I gasp out, finally saying those words out loud and not allowing them to kill me internally anymore. "...so much." I add and the tears are evident in my voice, at this point. But what can I do? They surely have a reason to be now. And they are happy tears, the most harmless and sincere tears to exist. So why should I stop them?

He detaches from me again at it, and seeing the drop sliding down my cheek, he rubs it to wipe it away. "Hey..." He talks softly, almost in a whisper, making my heart beat a little bit faster while he rests his forehead against mine, brushing his nose on my cheekbone and we close our eyes at the proximity. "...it's okay now."

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