XVII - Too Late

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"Are we going to the studio today?" I ask Harry, the next day, while we eat the pizza we ordered for lunch and watch a movie in the cinema room for the first time. It is dark and cozy, and I love the way Harry is being illuminated by the big screen as the only source of light. It's Sunday, I don't expect us to work today but things have been a bit uncertain lately so, you never know. Harry shakes his head negatively in reply, his mouth being too full for him to be able to speak. I find it cute.

I nod to him in acknowledgment, not expecting him to speak after swollowing the food, "Jeff is coming over today."

After seeing my wondering gaze on him, he adds shrugging and taking another slice of pizza, "I have no idea either. He said it's business or something."

I murmur an "okay" and we keep watching the movie and eating in silence. Both things end, around one our later just as Jeff arrives.

"Hello, Jeff!" I say as I open the door, trying to be as convincing that I'm happy to see him as I can. He looks strangely surprised to see me, as I see his almost - I would say - tired eyes widen a bit as he immediately says "Where's Harry?"

I frown and carefully get to one side to let him in as I say, "In the kitchen? Come on in."

He stands still, not doing what I told him to, asking again "Why are you ansewring the door instead of him?"

I'm confused. He never acted like this before, maybe something bad happened to him and he needs Harry to help him. "Uh.. because I was closest to the door?...But do you want me to get him?

He doesn't move, or at least I don't see him do, but I still take it as a yes. "Harry?.." I call loudly, not taking my eyes off Jeff, not knowing what he might be capable of doing. Harry doesn't come fast enough for my liking so I dicide to go to the kitchen to actually get him.

"Harry? Something's wrong with Jeff." I say poping my head trough the door, lowly enough just for him to hear me, which he does, looking at me and matching my frown. I let him go alone and decide to stay in the kitchen, peeking discretly to where they stand. I can't decipher what they're saying but I see Harry making moves to get Jeff in, which he does slowly and blankly.

He sits on the couch while Harry comes in my direction looking intimidating, almost making me think I'm unawarely guilty of something in some way, for moments, although I know whatever it is, I'm the least guilty person.

"I think he's drunk." Harry says trying to hold a chuckle when he gets inside the room and heading to the sinck to pour some water in a glass he takes out of the cupboard.

"Drunk? That's a bit..." I'm not able to find the right word but Harry mumbles in agreement anyway, saving me the work.

"Come." He says going past me, carefull not to spill any water and getting out of the kitchen to join Jeff in the living room. I don't know what to say in his presence so, once again, I remain quiet on the cornor of the couch watching them interact.

There's only incertain silence for moments, while Jeff easily empties the glass and abruptly places it on the coffee table in front of us, after. He doesn't take long to say "You have an interview tomorrow."

He looks in Harry's eyes as if he dares him to say anything but nod and shut. Although, obviously, Harry doesn't even notices it, or he does but he thinks it's a joke, so he frowns slightly and chuckles sarcastically "Tomorrow? You only tell me this now?"

Jeff narrows his eyes and replies, not losing his strange manners, "Oh, do you two happen to have plans already?"

"What if we do?"

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