XXVIII - Falling

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A sudden ring makes us both jump and slowly become aware of the faint sunlight entering the living room where we unconsciously spent the night sleeping on each other. The noise comes from the coffee table in front of us, and Harry easily detaches from me, realising it's his phone receiving a call. He hesitates for some seconds when he sees who it is, but then quickly makes his way to another room with it.

Only when I'm alone I finally move away and adjust my clothes, crumpled by Harry's presence on them, and smile to myself as his smell got in possession of them. Calmly, I get up and walk to the kitchen, after I take some moments to appreciate the view through the enormous window. Sunset Strip... how happy I am to be here again at last, with the only person I want to be with.

It doesn't take too long for Harry to meet me in the kitchen, catching me picking up the bowl of sliced fruit I just prepared for myself, about to take it to the living room with me.

"Uuh... I just got a call.. we have a meeting with a candidate to be my manager today." He says, somewhat nervously, after faint seconds just standing and looking at each other. I take a piece, bite it and chew it, trying to understand his reaction.

"That's great!" I claim, smiling and looking attentively at him slowly approaching me, looking at my bowl, for some reason.

"Yes, I think. It's later this afternoon." He adds, now right in front of me and, to my surprise, taking a piece of fruit from the bowl between us, too. He bites it and chews it as well, obviously, and directs his gaze back to mine as I slightly nod at his information, at the same time.

"How did you find them?" I ask, genuinely curious for how that works. He shrugs slowly and purposely chews a little bit longer than it is necessary, then finally swallowing.

"She's a friend of my sister's. She helped me with that." He claims the last sentence hesitantly and lowly, as if he's not supposed to confess it, but, at the same time, seems unbothered after saying it and so I don't really know what to think. It's nice to know that he's got the support of his sister - and I'm sure his mother and the rest of his family too, hopefully, at least. It's good that he understands he's not alone and people worry about how he feels.

Especially me, I worry that he still hasn't recovered from whatever he was feeling these past days. I did everything I could to tell and show him I care about him and my heart aches if I see him bothered by anything. And I'll keep doing it as much times as he needs me to, as much times as I want to, even if I'm not sure he would do the same for me.

He moves from standing in front of me to lean back on the counter I find myself leaned back on as well, right beside me, not bothering in invading my personal space because he knows I have none when it comes to him, at this point. I don't hesitate in leaning my head on his shoulder and we keep eating our fruit.

"Are you feeling better?" I ask softly, referring to the events of the night before. He seems to freeze for a slight second and I'm not sure if it is due my question or really for no special reason. But he doesn't answer right away, as he searches for his emotions and tries to come up with a conclusion with the one that prevails.

"I'm sorry." He says lowly, making me straighten up and look at his side profile, completely confused with the out of context reply.

"You're sorry?" I confirm to make sure I heard him right. He looks down and doesn't seem to have any intention in looking in my direction. He takes a deep breath, apparently to start a speech, which he better do because I'm struggling to find a reason for him to be sorry for.

"I'm sorry for letting you down." There's a silence before he continues "All I had to do was to keep you safe and all I did was desapointing. You, myself... your mother, mostly. I promised her..."

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