XVIII - Distract

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"Harry?" I knock on his door softly. He has been in his room all day like a little kid when his mother doesn't buy him a toy. I don't blame him, though, and the way he left me some hours ago as if I had done something wrong. I mean, I don't think I did... I understand he is feeling really bad. Jeff was not just his manager, he was a best friend to Harry and now it's almost like that friend just died.

Plus, he must be worried about Jeff now knowing about us. I've been thinking about it too. What will happen from here? Something? Nothing? He did mentioned it being too late for Harry to fire him and for sure it is, now that he knows there's nothing we could do, not even Harry, to change it.

It's not easy, so I let Harry have his time alone as much as he needs. But it's already nine something in the evening and I still haven't heard nor seen him so I need to check on him or I'll die of uncertainty.

"It's open." He murmurs so low that I don't really understand his words, but by the way they sound I assume that's what he said. As I don't have the intention of really coming in, I just pop my head enough to see inside. He is laying on his stomach in the middle of the bed with his head on the pillow I lay mine on when I sleep there. I wonder if he's been asleep.

"I just wanted to see if you're okay.." I say, keeping my voice as soft as I can and he mumbles something affirmative, not moving.

"Do you want me to get you something to eat?" I say, my slight hunger remembering me why I really came here in the first place.

"I'm fine. Just stay here with me."

"Oh.." I pronounce, not expecting and realising that maybe he has been trying to say that and I didn't understand. I walk in, closing the door, and sit on the edge of the bed, on his side, turned to the headboard, looking at him laying on my right, preserving his position.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him and he takes a deep breath, sighing after it.

"Better now." He simply answers and I smile, even though his head is turned the other way and he can't see me. After some seconds he adds "I'm sorry for... him."

I shake my head ready to tell him he has nothing to be sorry for, once again, but he continues "I'm sorry for the outburst, I'm sorry for..." He sighs again. "I'm sorry for leaving you."

"It's ok, Sunset." I say and smirk at the last word, hoping a nickname will be funny and will distract him a little bit. I glace at him as he turns his head to me and gets up on his elbows, looking at me from over his shoulder. I purse my lips as I see his confusedly smirking face.


"Oh, didn't I tell you I like the sunset?"

We smirk at each other knowing that this conversation is much more than it meets the hear.

"No, you'd never told me that." He says in his challenging way that always manages to blow some kind of wind inside me and agitate my butterflyies, while he turns to lean his back on the headboard. I scolt closer to him, changing my position to a crossed-legs one, my knee softly touching the fabric of his shirt on the side of his belly, but still facing the headboard, which now only resumes to Harry.

"Well then..." I lean and leave a peck on his soft lips, not returning back after, and adding lowly "...now you know."

My heart races at the way his eyes desperatly call for my lips to dance with his and I can't resist. I don't want to resist, anyway. Soon our tongues join the dance floor, making one dance of their own and almost forgeting the lips are there too. At the same time his hand grazes and pulls my thigh and, as I don't fight it, he crosses it to the other side of him so I can be lightly sitting on his lap.

As if I'm not content enough already, I suddenly feel his fingers entering my hair from the bottom, not knowing where they came from. He grabs it and I let out a low moan, letting him know that I'm happy about it.

After I give some music to the dance floor on our mouths, it is as if I change it to a slower song that doesn't last too long to end, and we separate.

"What about you?" He asks in a raspy voice, resting his hands on my thighs after brushing his hair back with one of them. I sit back, giving him a confused look, and instinctively mess with the hem of his sirt. "How are you feeling?" He clarifies and I shrug, looking down to what my hands are doing.

"I don't know. There's really nothing we can do now, so..." I let my words fade away and look up at him again as he shifts his hands to a slightly different position, still on my thighs. He is also looking at my hands, with a kind of severe look on his face.

Suddenly he leans forward and hugs my torso tightly, resting his head on my chest and sighs at the action. My heart sweetly skips a beat and I rub his head to comfort him, feeling an adoration for him like I've never felt before.

Maybe he's feeling it too because, moments later, he raises his head and starts kissing my neck so passionately that my reflex is to close my eyes and lean my head back a little. My hands go down to his neck and I feel it as it moves irregularity. I feel the collar of his shirt and something urgent tells me I don't want it there, so I pull it and Harry, understanding, detaches from me to take it off. I attentively watch as he raises his arms taking the shirt with them, showing his bare skin underneath, and his tattoos moving along with the contractions of his muscles.

He barely lets go of the garment and our lips are back together. Heavy gasps and wet sounds come from them as I place my hands on his chest and him on my thighs again. But now they travel very slowly along them, the destination being my buttcheeks. I detach from the kiss, not being able to hold it anymore, as his hands go under my shorts.

"Harry..." I whisper at his ear, not knowing if I'm ready for it in the moment. But he bites me in the bottom of my neck in reply bacause he knows it ends me, at the same time as squizing me in a massaging move. I do nothing for some seconds, resting my head on his shoulder and trying to catch my breath a little bit more, not making any move for him to stop.

Eventually, he takes his hands out, shifting them to my waist, slowly traveling up with them again. I kiss his neck in reply, wondering if I should experiment biting him too, but my thoughts are taken away when he starts to pull my shirt out, as well. I allow him and he does, finally turning us around for me to lay on my back and him above me, after. I immediately feel more comfortable but I wide my eyes at him, although he doesn't notices it, when I feel something hard hit on my pelvic area, where he is placed between my legs.

He breathes heavily on my chest, grazing it with his lips before getting back on his knees just enough to be able to lead his hands down on me again. Slowly, he manages to reach my shorts and starts pulling them out, but I quickly grab his hands, stoping him mid way.

He freezes and glaces at my face, my widen eyes looking back at him being enough to make him rethink his actions. He retracts his hands and gives me one final strong kiss on my lips with a soft moan and then a peck on my cheek, making me giggle at his playfulness. He smirks at me too for a second, and then rolls away from me and out of the bed, making his way to his private bathroom on the bedroom.

I watch him as he closes the door behind himself, shivering at the thought of what he's probably going to do. I sigh profoundly, still taking in the moment we just had and savoring the remaining feeling of him on me. Then I force myself to get up and search for my shirt that happens to be on the bottom of the bed, almost falling to the floor.

I grab it to put it on again, but before I do that, I realise myself standing looking down at Harry's shirt next to where mine was. I smirk to myself as I send mine to the bed again and dress his instead, gald that it is oversized, before exiting the room to finally do what I wanted to, a while ago, hoping Harry will join me when he's finished his business.

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