XVI - Final Product

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Two days after, we are looking at each other just like that again. But this time we were back in the studio and we just finished listening to the final product of our version of Fine Line.

"Wow, that is..." Harry starts saying unable to find the words to fit better on what he wants to say. My cheek hurts of how hard I'm smiling. For moments I feel the both of us fighting the urge to kiss each other's lips and at that I just hug him, hoping that will do for some time, and our hearts beat fast against each other.

"When is it going to be released? Tomorrow, isn't it, Jeff?" We look at him, sitting on the couch behind us, waiting for his answer, which he doesn't give right away. He has a strange look on his face, a somber look and the dark light of the studio doesn't help him get away with it. He's been like this for days and Harry is strating to get worried about him and not knowing what it is neither how to help him. He is looking at us too, but thinking about something else that prevents him from answering.

"Jeff?" Harry calls again and Jeff answers calmly "Oh yeah... I'll take care of that tomorrow." He doesn't move an inch to say that, which tells me he's actually more attentive than we think. Harry frowns, not really knowing what else to say, as well as me.

Anyway, he sighs and relaxes back in his chair with me attentively watching him.

"What do we do now?" I ask looking around and seeing the producer next to us saving documents and closing the programs on the computer to shut it down for the day. Harry shrugs at my question with his eyes closed, telling me I can do whatever I want.

I know there's a guitar somewhere so I get up to find it next to the couch. I'm feeling inspired after what we just heard and I've actually been struggling to find the right lyrics for some chords sequence I came up with many time ago, so I'm confident I'll be able to do something with them now. I quietly give them some strums while I try to find a melodie, humming, so I can then write some verses down.

That's how I usually try to make my songs, I find it easier to write the lyrics after having the chords and melodie than having to find the chords to some lyrics I wrote. If that is the case a always end up having to change them.

"Did you make that?" Harry's voice deconcentrates me, while he turns the chair to face me, preserving his lazy position on it. I just nod, I was hoping he couldn't hear it. However, that doesn't make sense anymore when I hear his humming, trying to get into de chords, as well. I shut my voice to let us both hear him and keep strumming. He leans forward, resting his forearms on his knees, struggling a bit at first, but he eventually comes up with something that sounds really good and we smile to each other.

"That sounds really good." I say, starting to strum from the beginning, encouraging him to do it again and he easily does. I give him nods of approval and eventually start hearing some separated words on the back of my head that go well with the melodie he made.

We kept doing that for almost an hour and needless to say we almost wrote the whole song after that. We have intentions of working on it agin on Monday, hoping to finish it and, who knows, record it.

We went to dinner at a restaurant nearby with Jeff. He was the same, all strangely looking at us. I found myself thinking that he's creepy and pondering my dislike for him, at one point. Ater, we drove him to his house and finally went to Harry's.


At some point in that night the door of my bedroom, behind my laying body inside, opens gently but not quietly, preventing me from almost, and finally, falling asleep. It closes again, but leaves one more person inside, whose eyes I feel on me while it does.

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